Title Check Exchange Rates Purpose This report enables you to display the exchange rates set in the systemwhen amounts are translated from one currency to another. A euro changeover cannot be undone. Therefore, it is extremelyimportant for exchange rates to be set correctly before amounts arechanged over in a productive system. Features Selection The exchange rates of both currencies are determined. Output Amounts are output in both currencies together with the translationratio. If customizing is syntactically incorrect or incomplete, an errormessage is output. If you double-click on the message, additionalinformation is displayed. Activities If the exchange rates are semantically incorrect, use transaction OB08to maintain tables that affect exchange rates. Example 100,000.00 DEM = 51,129.19 EUR ( /1,95583 ) 100,000.00 EUR = 195,583.00 DEM ( 1,95583 ) Maintain Exchange Rates |