Purpose Report for payroll - Italy Program for the maintainance of tables T5ITM6 and T5ITR7 (municipalitytaxes) with the data given by the Ministry of Finance. Prerequisites The usage of this program in order to enter new municipalities or tomaintain the already existing ones in table T5ITM6 depends on theexistence of the corresponding municipalities in table T5ITM4. The municipality must be codified with the value "Municipality taxindicator" in table T5ITM5. In the opposite case, this municipality isnot taken into account in the related file, and in the output screen awarning message is displayed. Features Table history>: the values in this table can change every year:the program delimits the occurrences of every municipality according tothe values read in the annual files available at the Ministry of Finance- Revenue Agency. Delimitation concept>: the program delimits the time of data(entries) instead of substituting them (see example nr.3), in order touse the original data in case of retroactive calculation.Selection This program can be used in 4 different ways: 1. Program execution without file: use this option to replace a wagetype for the following year in payroll. 2. Program execution with maintainance of the municipal tax file 3. Program execution with maintainance of exemptions file 4. Program execution with maintainance of both files at the same time. Output According to the selected method, there will be the following outputs: 1. The program maintains table T5ITM6 for all municipalities and changesonly the fields that can be set in the selection screen. 2. The program maintains table T5ITM6 only for the municipalities in thefile, whereas the other municipalities are not modified. 3. The program maintains table T5ITM6 only for the municipalities in thefile, whereas the other municipalities are not modified. It also maintai ns the minimum income/>. 4. The program maintains table T5ITM6 only for the municipalities onboth files. After the program execution the system displays a control screen(preview) of the changes made to the database. Changes are confirmed and saved in the database, by clicking COMMIT.Activities To maintain the municipality tax table and the exemptions table isnecessary to prepare the files coming from the Ministry of Finance,which contain data pertaining to Tax amount >and Exemption amount>. To maintain the municipality tax table (T5ITM6):
- Download the corresponding file version in format .csv from the web site
of the Ministry of Finance;
- Open the file with Excel;
- Remove irrelevant data, keeping only the 2 columns that refer to the
municipality key (for ex. A005) and to the tax amount (for ex. 0.6);
- With these data create a text file, where fields are separated through
";" from one another To maintain the exemption table (T5ITR7):
- Download the corresponding file version in format .xls from the web site
of the Ministry of Finance;
- Open the file with Excel;
- Remove irrelevant data, keeping only the 2 columns that refer to the
municipality key (for ex. A005) and to the exemption amount (for ex. 10 ,000), and that must be separated through ";"Example Example of data for municipality tax>: A005;0.6 Example of data for municipality tax exemption>; A005;10,000(other allowed variants: 10,000.00 - 10000 - 10000.00) Delimitation example>: Initial situation:
- MUNIC = A010
- BEGDA = 01/01/2001
- ENDDA = 31/12/9999
- REDMIN = 1000
- WTIMM = /4QA
On 01/01/2008 municipality A010 changed the value REDMIN in 1200 .00. After the program execution the result is: MUNIC = A010
- BEGDA = 01/01/2001
- ENDDA = 31/12/2007
- REDMIN = 1000
- WTIMM = /4QA
- MUNIC = A010
- BEGDA = 01/01/2008
- ENDDA = 31/12/9999
- REDMIN = 1200
- WTIMM = /4QA