Description This report creates the CLASS Interface file for selected employees. Itis a Local Authority specific interface to the Central Local AuthoritySuperannuation System, CLASS. Selection Criteria The standard database Selection Criteria are available here and can becustomised. However only Personnel Number and Payroll Area arenecessary. Parameters The CLASS interface can be run for Year To Date values at the end ofpayroll processing or for Year End values after Year End has been run.This choice depends on how often the return to CLASS is necessary andyour own specific authorities practices. If an employee is NOT active oris NOTan active CLASS Pension Scheme during the Pension Year, then theywill NOT be selected for processing. A) If the Year End> run is being processed, the data is derivedusing the end of the current Pension Year 31.03.YYYY. This informationis interfaced as it stands, without any comparison, as an Amendmentrecord. If the employee has NO information at that date then the mostrecent history during the current Pension Year is used. B) If the Standard (Year To Date)> run is being processed, acomparison between the current and the last "Snapshot"> is takenfor each employee. If there are any Starters, Leavers or Amendments thenan interface record is created. 1a. Year End> Enter a year when the Pension Year information should be taken. Theyear's start date and end date will be displayed on the right of theyear as a range. 1b. Snapshot Date> Enter a date when the "Snapshot"> should be taken. The year'sstart date and "Snapshot"> date will be displayed on the right ofthe Snapshot date as a range. 1c. Re-Run Interface using a Run Number from a previous Snapshot. > The CLASS interface can be re-run from a previously taken "Snapshot" > on the database and compared with the previously held values. It is not possible to run a re-run of a re-run or to run a re-run of aYear End run as the information necessary to do this is NOT stored onthe database. During a re-run the employee selection fields are ignoredand the employees selected in the original run are re-processed.Likewise, the number of successes or failures is also taken from theoriginal run. 1d. Test Snapshot> The interface can be run without creating a snapshot record, to checkthe consistency of the year end information or snapshot information foreach employee. 2. Optional Derivation For Date Specifications (IT0041)> The employee related date fields; Employee Start Date, Pension StartDate, Pensionable Service Start Date and Date Contracted Out of SERPS.These can all be derived optionally from Infotype 0041. 3. Optional Amount Fields (CRT)> The contributions monitored by this interface can be selected using thesix check boxes provided. These are explained below in more detail inthe "Requirements" section. 4. Output Device> The interface file can be sent to any of three destinations explainedbelow.Precondition The Number Range> P08_CLS must be maintained when this routine isused for the first time. (Transaction SNRO) The Wages Type Groups> CLSA, CLSM, CLSN, CLSP, CLSS and CLS6 mustbe checked. These Wage Type Groups must be maintained if they arerequired for the interface (View V_T52D7). Each of these should specify the Wage Types that should be consideredfor Actual Remuneration, Members Contributions, NI' Able Earnings,Pensionable Earnings and Strike Break Contributions and OtherContributions repectively. Normally, CLSA, CLSN and CLSP will be sufficient for any clientsrequirements, with the provision that Capped NIC's a interfaced.Normally CLSS and CLS6 wont be needed. However, CLSM> is CUSTOMER SPECIFIC! It must be customised to pickup ALL of the specific Wage Types that are associated with the PensionSchemes used in Pension Scheme Infotype (IT0071). The following infotypes are mandatory for each employee; 0000, 00001,0002, 00003, 0006, 00007, 0069 and 00071. [Also 0041 may be necessary ifcertain dates in the system are held on that infotype rather than thenormal place in Master Data. i.e. Parameter 4 is being used ]Output The interface data can either >be sent: ,,a) To the ALV, the automated list viewer, and then interfaced to theWork Station, i.e. your PC. ,,b) To TemSe, the temporary file handler, and then interfaced to theWork Station, i.e. your PC. ,,c) To the File Server. That is, the actual hardware that your SAP system runson, for example, a Unix box.Reporting> Any errors found during processing will stop the data being read forthat employee. The employee will be reported as an error list , that issent to your screen, and can be run again once the errors have beencorrected. Clearing Down the Snapshot & Control record files> The interface will ALWAYS create a control record to show what kind ofprocessing was performed, whom performed it and when. If the "Test" flag is switched off, then a Snapshot record will becreated for every "complete" employee chosen in the Selection Criteria.These files will slowly increase in size and should be periodicallycleared down, normally on an annual basis. This will optimise the performance of "Re-running" an interface and alsofree up Database storage. The routine to perform this annual "HouseKeeping" is the CLASS Snapshot and Control File Deletion routine. CLASS Snapshot and Control File Deletion>Further notes At 'Go-Live' it is necessary to clear down any test data stored in theCLASS CPX (Heywood's) tables. The 'snapshot' table P08P1CLS and the 'control' table P08P1CNT can becleared down by using the program RPUCLSG8 as mentioned above. BUT thiswill NEVER remove the original 'Go-live' record for each employee in the'snapshot' table, which is a static record of their converted data fromthe 'legacy' system or the original creation record when they are'hired' using the new system. However, at 'Go-live', ALL data should be removed. The FIRST 'Go-live'run should have the switch 'HRPSG' 'CLSGL' in the Constants Table T77S0(View V_T77S0) set to 'X'. The switch should then be initialised (oreven deleted), so that the interface tables will NEVER be cleared downagain. |