Description This report processes individual incentive wages data. The data issaved in cluster L1 in the PCL1 file. You should always make a backupcopy of the PCL1 file before converting. The conversion of clusters from version "01" to "02" includes newfields in existing tables and format changes in fields as changes instoring individual incentive wages data. The report RPU40ATM is calledup using XPRA (eXecute PRogram After) and automatically converts datafrom the last twelve months. The incentive wages transactions and the evaluation reports only workwith records that include the current version number "02." If you needto access data prior to twelve months ago, you can start the reportmanually with the report selection criteria. Data already converted isnot converted again. The report includes the parameter "test." Database changes are not madeif this parameter is selected. If the report is started manually, thedefault value is already set so that no changes are made to thedatabase. Precondition The report requires that individual incentive wages data already existsin version "01," that is, that the report RPUCL100 has been run. Output The report creates statistics on the conversion. Interpret them asfollows: Incentive wages data of a personnel number is summarized in anaccounting year and an accounting period. This logistical record can beused to store one or more physical records. There are several possibilities for each logistical record: The record was successfully converted, The record was already converted, The record has a version number that is not supported, An error occurred during conversion. One reason this occurs is that the existing record in the database contains errors. The sum of items 1-4 equals the number of logistical records. In the statistics, the entries for conversion are displayed for eachclient. In addition, results are summarized for all clients. Statistics are displayed either on the screen or by the log interfaceif the RPU40ATM report is started from XTRA, so that the conversionresults can be read in the transport log. |