Description This report carries out a conversion of group incentive wages data. Thedata is stored in cluster G1 in the PCL1 file. It is recommended thatyou create a backup copy of the PCL1 file before converting. The conversion of clusters from "01" to "02" includes changes instoring the group incentive wages data such as new fields in existingtables and format changes in fields. The report is called up using XPRA(eXecute PRogram After) RPU40ATM and automatically converts the datafrom the last twelve months. Incentive Wages transactions and the evaluation reports only work withrecords that have the current version number "02". If you need toaccess data that is older than twelve months, you can also start thereport manually by using report selection criteria. Data that isalready converted is not converted again. The report has the parameter "test." If this parameter is selected, thedatabase is not changed. If the report is started manually, the defaultvalue is set so that no changes occur in the database. Precondition The report assumes that the group incentive wages data already existedin version "01," that is, that Report RPUCG100 was already run. Output The report creates statistics regarding the conversion. Interpret themas follows: The incentive wages data of a group number is summarized in a payrollyear and payroll period. This logical record can store one or morephysical records. The following can be contained in one logical record: Record was successfully converted, Record was already converted, Record has a version number that is not supported, An error occured during conversion. The existing record might beincorrect in the database. The sum of items 1-4 equals the number of logical records. Statistics output contains the conversion of entries per client. Additionally, the output contains the results of the totals of allclients. The statistics are either viewed as output on the screen, if the reportis started using XPRA RPU40ATM, or in the log interface, so that youcan read the conversion results in the transport log. |