Description This report transfers the Check Digit Verification (CDV) details forSouth Africa (stored in a file) into the SAP system in the tableView Bank ZA CDV Details> (T5W5A.). These bank directorydiskettes are available from ACB. The records used are stored in an ASCII format. The individual recordsare marked by carriage returns and have a length of 650 bytes ("fixedlength records"). Record type 10 entries contain all main offices witha unique bank sort code. Records layout relevant to the CDV table: Filedname,,length in Bytes,,Byte-Position,,> Record Type,,2,,001-002 Branch Code,,6,,003-008 Stream code,,2,,012-013 Account type,,1,,180-180 Modulus,,2,,181-182 Fudge Factor,,2,,183-184 CDV Weightings,,2,,186-187 Exception Code,,1,,207-207Program flow RESET N1 The program compares the data from the input file with the data thatalready exists in the SAP system and carries out the followingactivities: If the bank data does not exist in the SAP system, the data istransferred from the input file. If the bank data does exist in the SAP system, then it is updated ifthere are any changes when compared with the data from the input filecompared for each sort code. If a bank which is marked with a deletion flag in the SAP system wasdelivered in the input file, then the deletion flag is cancelled again. All banks managed in table T5W5A but which are not in the input fileare seen as no longer existing. They are marked with a deletion flag ifthe "Mark for deletion" parameter is activated and can then bereorganized.
- No bank records are deleted by this program. To delete records, you
must use the program RPUDBIW0.