Purpose The report searches through personnel calculation rules for a freeeligible search string, or for the strings that you select on theselection screen. The strings on the selection screen specify key combinations for theoperations MULTI and DIVID, which are either only useful in certaincases or not useful at all. We recommend that you no longer use thesekey combinations. For further information, see the documentation forthe operations MULTI and DIVID. Features Selection When you call the report from the initial screen for maintainingpersonnel calculation rules by selecting Utilities -> Source TextSearch>, the personnel calculation rule to be searched is alreadypreset. To search through all the personnel calculation rules, deletethe entry in the Personnel Calculation Rule> field.Output You obtain a list, which displays the results of the search:
- On the first page the strings you searched for are listed. The system
also displays the personnel calculation rules that contain one of thesearch strings.
- From the second page on, the system lists the lines of the personnel
calculation rules that contain one of the search strings.Activities By double clicking a line you can access the maintenance screen for thecorresponding personnel calculation rule. The cursor is automaticallypositioned at the place in the selected rule where the system found oneof the search strings. You can check this position and make changes, ifnecessary. To return to the list display for the report, chooseBack>.