Description Convert Time Management cluster B2. XPRA RPUCB202 converts Time Management cluster B2, database PCL2. Thetime events are stored in the new transparent table TEVEN and asequential number is assigned. The number range object PD_SEQ_NR and anumber range are created for each client. Notes If the conversion is terminated, you can start it manually:the number assignment is still correct.> Clusters which have already been converted are not convertedagain.>Runtime If you use time recording and there are around 600 time events for eachemployee and year, the conversion takes approximately four seconds foreach employee and year. If the expected runtime is over an hour, only some of the data isconverted: the last three periods are converted for each personnelnumber. It is possible to implement Time Management after therelease upgrade, but the data which has not yet been convertedcannot be read or processed. All transactions and reports terminatewith an error message if the data to be read has not been converted. Adata inconsistency cannot arise, however. Until the conversion ofthe data is complete, it is not possible to perform recalculations forearlier dates. The remaining data must then be converted using report RPUCB200.The selection criteria allow you to start the report for certaindata only. Precondition none |