Description This report changes the data base entries for infotype 0002 and isrelevant for the maintenance of applicant data in Spain> andBelgium>. It should be used only by those customers who haveupgraded their system to release 4.0, in order to adapt the names oftheir applicants to the new P0002 DDIC structure. This report alsoupdates infotype 0001 as this is connected to applicants' names. The report functions depending on the country are as follows: Spain (country grouping 04)>: The report copies the contents of the infotype 0002 field 'Second Name'(P0002-NAME2) into '2 apellido' (P0002-NACH2) for applicants of Spanishnationality or with the nationality field kept initial. It also rewrites infotype 0001, and fills the fields P0001-ENAME andP0001-SNAME again in accordance with the table T522N. Belgium (country grouping 12)>: In the new DDIC structure the length of a number of fields connected tothe applicants' names has been extended to 40 characters. Therefore itis necessary to convert the data existing in former releases in orderto update the infotype records containing the affected fields. In infotype 0002, the report transfers the employee names from theshorter fields used in the former P0002 structure to the 40 characterfields P0002-NACHN and P0002-NAME2 of the new P0002 structure. Thefields P0002-VORSW and P0002-VORSR are cleared. It also rewrites infotype 0001, and fills the fields P0001-ENAME andP0001-SNAME again in accordance with the table T522N.Precondition Spain>:
- The field P0002-NACH2 must exist in infotype 0002.
- The family name or birthname of the person must be longer than 25
characters.Output Once the conversion has been performed, the report produces a listcontaining the applicants whose second surname is now located in thecorrect field and in the correct length, in accordance with the entriesmade in the selection screen.