The motivation of this report, BELCOTAX/FINPROF - Checkmonitor>(RPUBWSB0), is based on the new BELCOTAX functionality, BELCOTAX- Yearly Income Declaration> (RPCBWAB0) and the new FINPROF tool,FINPROF - Advanced Tax Declaration >(RPCBWMB0). These reports hadalways relied on the appropriate tax split customizing of the wage typesinvolved in the BELCOTAX and FINPROF declarations. However, within thecontext of the new BELCOTAX and FINPROF functionalities, the system isnot prepared to warn the user whenever the wage type customizing ismisleading. Consequently, a tool to check the tax split suitability wasneeded. For that purpose, this report BELCOTAX/FINPROF - Checkmonitor>(RPUBWSB0), was designed to examine the BELCOTAX/FINPROF relevant wagetypes and to put out either an error or a warning message if the taxsplit configuration is inappropriate. Focusing, for instance, on the current BELCOTAX functionality,BELCOTAX - Yearly Income Declaration> (RPCBWAB0), it only takesinto consideration those wage types that count on the appropriate taxsplit. Therefore, any wage types having inconsistencies between theirResults Table> (RT) split and table view Belgium taxdeclaration, wage type assignment >(V_T5BX4) will not be included inthe calculation, leading to wrong BELCOTAX declarations. The onlyexception applies if the aforementioned condition holds while therelevant wage type is listed in table Forms: Wage type source groupdefinition> (T5F99FW) or table Forms: wage type source groupcustomer extension> (T5F99FX). In this exceptional case, the wage typewould be included in the BELCOTAX declaration, whereas a warning wouldbe shown in order to stress that the warning might actually be apotential error if the wage type were used in several fiches. The usershould therefore make sure that this wage type is not used in otherfiches. Notice that tables T5F99FW and T5F99FX can be better accessed by usingtable views V_T5F99FW and V_T5F99FX, respectively.Output In order to check, for instance, if the BELCOTAX relevant wage types arefree of inconsistencies the user should run the Checkmonitor (RPUBWSB0)tool, from which three different outputs can be expected:
- All the wage types are correct:
the user can move on and run the BELCOTAX - Yearly IncomeDeclaration >(RPCBWAB0).
- There are wage types with error messages:
These wage types will not be included in the BELCOTAX - YearlyIncome Declaration> (RPCBWAB0), which will be certainly wrong. Theuser must ensure that these wage types have their corresponding split intable RT as they are shown in table view Belgium tax declaration,wage type assignment> (V_T5BX4) or alternatively ensure that thesewage types are entries in table Forms: Wage type source groupdefinition> (T5F99FW) or table Forms: wage type source groupcustomer extension> (T5F99FX).
- There are wage types with warning messages:
These wage types will be included in the BELCOTAX - Yearly IncomeDeclaration> (RPCBWAB0), which will be properly computed. These wagetypes do not have a proper tax split counterpart in table RT while theyare listed in view Belgium tax declaration, wage type assignment>(V_T5BX4). As they have been entered in table Forms: Wage typesource group definition> (T5F99FW) or table Forms: wage typesource group customer extension> (T5F99FX) they will be exceptionallytaken into account. The user should check that the same wage type is notused in other fiches. The following three examples explain the three different types ofoutputs:
- All the wage types are correct:
All the wage types have in table view V_T5BX4 tax splits that matchthose of the Results Table (RT).
- There is an error message for wage type /AAA:
If wage type /AAA has no split in the Results Table (RT) and it islisted in table view V_T5BX4, the customizing is probably incorrect. If/AAA has been included NEITHER> in T5F99FW NOR >in T5F99FXthe customizing is wrong and an error message will be shown to the user.
- There is a warning message for wage type /AAA:
If wage type /AAA has no split in the Results Table (RT) and it islisted in table view V_T5BX4, the customizing is probably incorrect. If/AAA has been included EITHER> in T5F99FW OR >in T5F99FXthe customizing is not wrong, but a warning message informs the useraccordingly. The user must then be aware that /AAA has no split in tableRT and make sure that the same wage type is not used in other fiches.