STYLE S_DOCUS1 This report checks the consistency of the data in one benefit area,that you have entered in the benefits customizing steps.Example If you have defined a benefit plan type, in view Benefit plan type, andnot defined any plans under this plan type in view Benefit plan, thereport finds this. Recommendation You can run the report for the whole benefit area, or only a section ofthe benefit area you are implementing. Before you run the report, implement the benefit area or section (egHealth plans) in as much detail as possible. Otherwise the list oferrors may be very extensive. The report detects inconsistencies that may be between only two views.This gives you the starting point of the problem. The report has beendeliberately designed in this way, because it is not possible to knowhow you intended the entries to be. Therefore as you start to correctthe problem, you must consider which other closely related views may beaffected. Remember that if you simply delete any inconsistent entries,you may be removing the 'possible entries'(F4) used in other views. For example, the report finds that an investment group is not used byany savings plan. You decide the investment group is not needed anddelete it. You run the report again, and now find that there areinvestment options assigned to an investment group that no longerexists. For this reason it is important to be aware of this interdependency ofthe view entries. The views that the report names in the error messagesmay not be all those that are affected. You must therefore check anydependent views in the section. Activity Enter the benefit area you want to check for errors. Select process. Expand the structure and select the sections of the benefit area thereport will check. Select process. The report displays a list of errors in the benefit area set-up. Select the error message itself and the system takes you to a longerexplanation of the error and a list of the entries that areinconsistent. STYLE * |