Title Conversion Tool for Statutory Averages Purpose A new solution for the calculation of Average Weekly Earnings (AWE)for the following statutory absences has been delivered:
- Statutory Adoption Pay
- Statutory Maternity Pay
- Statutory Paternity Pay
- Statutory Sick Pay
The calculation of Average Weekly Earnings is now performed usingfunction AVERA. Because of this, you are required to make configurationchanges to determine which wage types build the average bases for theseaverage calculations. A tool has been developed in order to aid you inthis process. This is the program Conversion Tool for StatutoryAverages >(RPUAVBG0). Wage types should no longer be assigned to average bases /202 and /203,but instead to average bases /211, /212 and /213. The assignment to theaverage bases /211, /212 and /213 is defined in the database tableAssignment of Primary Wage Types to Average Bases> (T51AV_2W),and not in the table Wage Type Valuation> (T512W). This meansthat all wage types that were configured to build averages /202 and/203 in table T512W must be delimited, to ensure that this averagebuilding occurs only up to the day before the new average solution forAWE is implemented. The new average bases /211, /212 and /213 must bedefined in table T51AV_2W from the date that the new average solutionis implemented.Selection 1. In the Selection options, choose the appropriate conversion date.(Default value is the current date). 2. In the Processing options, set the Test> indicator if you donot want your changes to be saved on the database. (Default value isX).Activities
- STEP 1>: Once the selection and the processing options have been
maintained, report RPUAVBG0 >displays the number of table T512Wrecords describing wage type assignment to average bases valid on orafter the entered date.
- STEP 1.1>: By selecting 'Maintain T512W'> ', the list of
wage types using average bases is displayed. The records you see aretaken from table T512W and are delimited to the date entered in theselection screen. The records cannot be changed by the user. (SeeNote1> for a description of this delimitation process.)
- STEP 1.2>: By selecting 'Maintain T51AV_2W' , > a list of
records containing the assignment of wage types (shown in the previouslist) to the average bases /211, /212, /213, is displayed. The defaultvalues, which you can maintain, are also displayed. The name of thecolumn % Rate /21X> means the assignment of current wage type tothe average base /21X at the rate of Y %. You can set the appropriatevalue for Y.
- The lines have been determined as follows:
If the end date of a record in table T512W is earlier than '31.12.9999'and later than the date entered in the selection screen, then the recordwill be delimited to the entered date and split into two records withaverage base entries /202 and /203. To cover the rest of the validity period of this record, two newrecords will be created. The first new record has a begin date equal to the date entered in theselection screen and an end date equal to the end date of the originalrecord from table T512W. The second record has a begin date equal tothe end date of the first new record and an end date of 3112.9999. The new records will be split into three records with the average baseentries /211, /212 and /213. If the end date of a record in table T512W is '31.12.9999', then therecord will be delimited to the entered date and split into two recordswith average base entries /202 and /203. A second record will be created with a begin date equal to the dateentered in the selection screen and an end date of 31.12.9999, andsplit into three records with the average base entries /211, /212 and/213.
- STEP 2>: When all settings have been made, save your entries and
return to the screen containing the statistics.
- STEP 3>: The statistical evaluation now also displays the number
of table T51AV_2W records created during this run. These records willbe saved on the database, if you did not set the Test> findicatoron the selection screen. Note1>: The table T512W records are delimited in the followingway. For records with an end date later than or equal to the entereddate, the end date of the record is changed to the entered date. Otherfields of these records remain unchanged. Additionally , a new recordwill also be created for each of these records, with an entered date asthe start date and any assignment to the average bases /202, /203. Note2>: The payroll constant SXP Changes Implementation (constantSXPDT for country modifier 08 in table T511K) is also updated by thereport, if the >Test >indicator has not been set on theselection screen. This is important for future payroll retrocalcul ations between the old and new averages solutions. A system messagewill remind you of this important consideration.