This report generates the sequential numbers used in the conversion process. The relation between the BSI Authority Code and sequential numbers is stored in the T5UTN table. Since there is no maintenance allowed for this table via transaction SM31 for safety reasons, this should be the only way to maintain this table. After the run of this report, each new tax authority updated from BSI creates a new entry with a new sequential number in table T5UTN. Example: Alabama Tax Authority ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BSIauth Name T5UTN-SEQNRO SAP Authcode. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 00010011 Rainbow 11 -> AL0B 00010012 Southside 12 -> AL0C 00010013 Tuskeegee 13 -> AL0D 00010014 Red Bay 14 -> AL0E 00010073 Auburn 15 -> AL0F 00010501 Birmingham 16 -> AL0G 00010521 Jefferson 17 -> AL0H .... .... ... .... -------------------------------------------------------------------- If in a further update a new authority will be added by BSI in BTXAUTH, for example : 00010777, the following entry will be created: BSIAUTH T5UTN-SEQNRO 00010777 18 For this reason, the entries of the table T5UTN are of crucial importance for the proper conversion into the SAP Authority Format. If for some reason table T5UTN is deleted and several BSI-Updates have been performed, IT CANNOT BE REPRODUCED AGAIN WITH THIS REPORT. Specially if several 'gaps' between the BSI-Numbers were filled, a complete new generation of T5UTN with this report would lead to wrong sequential numbers. In this case, the last backup of T5UTN should be copied and then this report run. The program will generate error messages in the following cases: The sequential number entries for a given state are not consecutive. The number of entries for a given state is not consistent with the sequence number, e.g. a state with 2 entries cannot have a sequential number > 1. (0,1) The program tries to load an entry for a non-existent state, e.g,: the entry 00990001 can only be inserted if there is already an entry with 00990000 and sequential number 0. An error message stops the report and the corrupt entries will not be inserted in T5UTN. Since no table maintenance is allowed, these error messages should not appear. A new update from BSIAUTH should be available. The update process of T5UTN can take a considerable amount of time, specially if there are more than 500 new authorities (e.g. by the first run for Pennsylvania ). For this reason, the maximum allowed CPU-Time should not be very small in order to avoid TIME_OUT errors. If new authorities are inserted, the following messages will be printed for each new authority. Inserting new Authority-> ... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- new Entries: |
818572 | HR SP ES25 - Cambio 31 |