Description This report is used to delete documents from the database that werecreated with the creation of an infotype log. Under Delete documents from database>, select the type ofdocuments that you want to delete. The system suggests the deletion oflong-term documents as a default. Under Selection> enter which data should be reported. You canchoose between the following fields:
- Transaction class>
Select the transaction class whose data should be deleted: Master data> The system suggests this class as the default. Appl. data> (Applicant data) All>
- Personnel number>
- Infotype>
- Changed on>
- User name>
Under Other restrictions>, select whether the result should beoutput in list form and in which mode you want the report to be run in.The system offers you the following possibities:
- List>
- Test run>
If you want to delete documents, enter your user name in thePassword> field. If you want more information on the selection option MultipleSelection>, refer to the R/3 Library under HR Management ->PA-Personnel Management -> PA-Personnel Administration -> Procedures inPersonnel Administration -> Master Data and Reporting -> The ReportSelection Screen in HR Management -> The Multiple Selection Function inthe Report Selection Screen>.
- List output in the test mode
If the List> and Test run> indicators are flagged, a listis output displaying the following information: Number of infotype records evaluated Message The report was started in the test mode> List of documents evaluated
- List output in deletion mode
If the List> indicator is flagged and you have entered your username, a list will be output displaying the following information: Number of infotype records evaluated Message The data has been successfully deleted!> List of deleted documentsNote Generally, the only users who are authorized to delete documents arethose who have the authorization to display or change infotypes. Theseauthorizations are contained in the infotype authorization check(Objects HR: Master Data>, HR: MasterData - Personnel number check>. If users who do not have thisauthorization need to run the report, authorization for theauthorization object HR: Reporting> can be set up,which overrides the infotype authorization check. Store theauthorizaton for Objekt HR: Reporting> with the followingvalues:
- Report name
- Degree of simplification