Description When you carry out an off-cycle run, such as a special adjustment runfrom the Adjustments Workbench, an entry is created for these resultsin a special table. When you run the off-cycle batch program, theresults in this table are picked up and posted to FI, processed byThird-Party Remittance, and a remuneration statement createdaccordingly. You may want to turn off this processing, if, for example,you have already posted a general or year-end adjustment manually. You can turn off this processing for specific entries with thisprogram. Output If you choose Remove entries from table>, you will first bepresented with a list of payroll results for the selected employee andadjustment type. You then have to select the individual results youwant to delete and choose Remove entries> before they areactually removed from the table. Note>: The results are moved to a backup table in case youmistakenly remove a result and need to restore it. If you choose Restore entries>, you will first be presented witha list of previously removed payroll results that match the selectedemployee and adjustment type. You then have to select the individualresults you want to restore and choose Restore entries>. If you choose Display processed entries>, the system will displaya list of payroll results for the selected employee and adjustment typethat have already been posted to FI, processed by Third-PartyRemittance, or for which a remuneration statement has been created. |