Purpose As of July 1 2008, there is a new 13-digit AHV number that replaces theprevious 11-digit number. You can use this report to update the new AHV number in the SocialInsurance CH (0036)> infotype, if the TemSe contains a correspondingdata record. The system uses the personnel number of your employee to check the oldAHV number that is stored in infotype 0036. If the old AHV number isalso in the TemSe, the system updates the new AHV number in infotype0036. If the system does not find an old AHV number for an employee, itdoes not update anything in infotype 0036. If there is already a new AHV number in the current infotype record0036, the system does not update anything using the report. The systemdisplays a warning if the new AHV number from the file is already ininfotype 0036, and an error if a different new AHV number is containedin infotype 0036. In this instance, the personnel number is output as arejected personnel number in the statistics and you must check the newAHV number in infotype 0036. If there is more than one infotype record for an employee in infotype0036, the system updates all infotype records.Integration You can use the report RPUAHVC0> to import the textfile with both AHV numbers from the compensation fund to a TemSe.Prerequisites You have imported the text file with both AHV numbers of yourcompensation fund into your system in a TemSe. Selection The report provides you with the following:
- Selection:
You can choose various parameters for processing. If you do not chooseany parameters, the system processes all personnel numbers.
- TemSe:
You can choose the TemSe.
- Test run:
You can first perform a test run in which the system does not update thenew AHV number in infotype 0036. A check is performed during the testrun and the log displays the results.
- Log Level of Detail>:
You can choose the following options: 0> = Only Messages and Statistics> The system creates a report on how many personnel numbers it reported,successfully processed, and rejected. 1> = Check Master Data, and Messages and Statistics> The system checks the employees names, gender, and date of birth in theTemSe with the master data. If there are differences between the TemSeand the master data, the system generates a warning and updates the newAHV number in infotype 0036.Note For more information, see the Web pages of the AHV-IV information pointat www.ahv.ch.