Purpose You use this report to upload data related toADSE> treatment groups andADSE treatment types to the system. The data is provided by the government in an Excel file with the nameCompart_Reg_Livre_2004.xls>. You typically only need to upload newdata once every three years.Integration The system stores the ADSE treatment groups and ADSE treatment types inthe ADSE Treatment Group> (T5PPBS6G>) and ADSE TreatmentType> (T5PPBS6T>) tables. You can edit the data and create new ADSE treatment groups and ADSEtreatment types in Customizing for Payroll >by choosingPayroll: Portugal -> Enhancements for Public Sector Portugal ->Health Expenses (ADSE/ADM) -> Define Treatment Groups and DefineTreatment Types>.Prerequisites You have saved the file in CSV format. |