Title Address Infotype Validation Report For ATO File Purpose This report enables you to find any errors in the Address InfotypeIT0006 as per the ATO specifications. Selection The report validates the data in the Address Infotype for anemployee. This report performs checks that are similar to the checksdone by the ATO file program (RPCA01Q0) If the checkbox 'Check for all Address fields" is selected, all theaddress fields in the Infotype 0006 are checked. In case this is notselected, the checks will be performed only on the fields that arepopulated in the infotype 0006 for the employee(s). Output The report output is in the form of an ALV list. This can be used toidentify the missing / incorrect data. The correction to the data can bedone by modiying the Infotype 0006 for the employee(s). Activities The following are the checks which are performed for the addressfields 1. Valid values A-Z, 0-9, ( ), space, &, /, apostrophe ("), hyphen . 2. They must not contain a blank at the beginning of the fields andthey must not contain two spaces between words. 3. The State or Territory field must contain any one of the 8 codes(ACT, NSW..). 4. The Postcode field must be numeric and contain values from0000-9999 (length 4). 5. If the Postcode field is mandatory then a valid postcode must bespecified (0000 is not a valid value). 6. For overseas address the postcode field should be set to 9999. 7. If there are more than one address, then the Australian addressmust be reported rather than the overseas address. |