Description The report RPUABSATT50> starts the conversion of time infotypedata from the Absences and Attendances infotypes during the conversionrun of personnel time data. No structure changes take place. The XPRA fills the infotype datafields Logical system> and Document number for employee timedata>. Since the attendance/absence records that deduct from timequotas have already been converted (in Release 4.0A), the reportprocesses the remaining attendances/absences. The remainder may be muchgreater in terms of quantity, which may affect the runtime of theconversion, since only array database updates take place. The report RPUABSATT50 works over all SAP clients and only needs to runonce for all clients. The report must have been run successfully before the SAP Systemproduction start. The conversion can be repeated.> The system automaticallyrecognizes infotype records that have already been converted and skipsthem. Runtime> The following information relates to packages of 1000> infotyperecords, and can be used as a guide when estimating the runtime for theconversion. Conversion time 1 ms> Database update 1000 ms> The first retrieval of numbers for the internal number range allocationfrom the database takes approximately 500 ms>. If you use aninternal number buffer, 10,000> infotype records can beconverted.Output The report uses the SAP log interface. You are advised to read the log. |