Description This report initializes the new field QLAND in infotype 0062. You must execute the report once for each client relevant to theconversion. You should select the 'conversion' checkbox when you performthe conversion, otherwise the entries to be converted will be displayed,but they will not be converted in the database. Precondition You must have previously imported the 1996/1997 year change. Example The new field QLAND in infotype 0062 contains the country key for theannual statement of employment tax (IRPF) deductions to be created usingreport RPC190E0. This report initializes the QLAND field with the value'011' for Spanish residents, that is, for employees with country 'ES' intheir permanent residence record (infotype 0006, subtype '1'). FieldQLAND will remain blank for foreign residents, and must be maintainedlater with the key corresponding to the country of residence. |