Description This report is used to implement pay scale changes. The report changesthe entries in table Pay Scale Groups> (T510). The following selection criteria are available to determine which tableentries should be changed:
- Country Grouping>
- Pay Scale Type>
- Pay Scale Area>
- Grpg MAKr for Pay Scale Provision> (Employee subgroup grouping
for Pay Scale Provision)
- Pay Scale Group>
- Pay Scale Level>
- Wage Type>
- Valid from Date>
Selects all table entries in table Pay Scale Groups> (T510) thatare valid from the Valid from Date> entered. The pay scale changes are processed using either a percentage or aconstant basic amount. The selection criteria available arePercentage> and Basic Amount (Currency)>. If you enter botha percentage and a basic amount, the report first uses the percentageand then the constant to process the amount to be changed. You can also round the result of the pay scale change using the theselection criteria Rounding Amount (Currency)> and RoundingType>. The rounding amount specifies the whole multiple to which toround the amount. The rounding type determines whether the amount isrounded up or down.Output By default the report lists the Complete View> of all selectedtable entries with both the old and the new amounts. The following selection options are available:
- View of Old Pay Scales>
Only the old amounts are listed for the selected table entries.
- View of New Pay Scales>
Only the new amounts are listed for the selected table entries.
- Complete view>
Both the old and the new amounts are listed for the selected tableentries.
- Save New Pay Scales> or Save>
The new amounts for all selected table entries are saved to the tablePay Scale Groups> (T510).
- Save Old Pay Scales> or Save>.
After you have saved the new amounts for all selected table entries,you can use this option to undo the changes in table Pay ScaleGroups> (T510), as long as you have not yet exited the report.
- The report checks if you are authorized to display or change table
Pay Scale Groups> (T510).
- With the right client settings the table changes are automatically put
on a transport request.