Description Use this report to make pay scale changes. The report changes entriesin the Pay Scale Groups> table (T510) Use the following selection criteria to determine which table entriesare to be changed:
- Country grouping>
- Pay scale type>
- Pay scale area>
- Employee subgroup grouping for collective agreement provisions>
- Pay scale group>
- Pay scale level>
- Wage type>
- Valid from date>
All entries made in the Pay Scale Groups> table (T510) that arevalid on the specified Valid from date> are selected by thesystem. You can make your pay scale changes using a percentage or a constantbase amount. The Percentage> and Base amount (currency)>selection criteria provide the following options. If you specifya percentage and a base amount at the same time, the report takes thepercentage-based change first, and then the change based on a constantamount. It is also possible to restrict the change amount using theMinimum amount (currency)> and Maximum amount (currency)>selection criteria. The wage type amount is increased by the specifiedminimum amount at least and by the specified maximum amount at most. You can now round the result of the pay scale change using theRounding amount (currency)> and Rounding type> selectioncriteria. The rounding amount determines the integral multiple to whichthe amount is rounded. The rounding type determines whether the amountis rounded up or down.Output The report normally displays an Overview> of all selected tableentries with the old and new amounts. You now have the following options:
- View of Old Pay Scales>
Only the old amounts for the selected table entries are listed.
- View of New Pay Scales>
Only the new amounts for the selected table entries are listed.
- Overview>
- Both the old and new amounts of the selected table entries are listed.
- Save New Pay Scales> or Save>
The new amounts of all selected table entries are saved in the PayScale Groups> table (T510).
- Save Old Pay Scales> or Save>
After you have saved the new amounts for all selected table entries,you can then undo the changes in the Pay Scale Groups> table(T510), as long as the report is not yet finished.
- The report checks whether display or change authorization exists for
the Pay Scale Groups> table (T510).
- Table changes are automatically written to a transport request for
corresponding client customizing.