Purpose This program is executed as an XPRA during an upgrade from Release 4.6Cto a later release. You can make Customizing settings to hide unused columns in tablecontrols in the list entry function of the Time Manager's Workplace(TMW) and Incentive Wages. A change to the program in Release 4.70means that your entries are interpreted incorrectly. This XPRA restoresthe validity of your Customizing entries, without you having to doanything. If the program flow is canceled during the upgrade - due to a systemerror, for example - you must run the program again manually beforeproduction startup. The program can be restarted. When restarted, it takes account of tableentries that have already been converted. You must rerun this program if you subsequently import relevant tabledata from systems with a release status of 4.6C or earlier. Output The standard log link for XPRAs is used. Output us restricted tostatistical information. |