Title Conversion of Customizing Data for Dependent/Beneficiary Eligibility Purpose During an upgrade to Release 4.70 or above, this report convertsCustomizing settings controlling the eligibility of dependents andbeneficiaries to participate or be named in benefits plans. The reportruns automatically during the upgrade and does not usually need to beexecuted online. In Release 4.70, the design of the rules controllingdependent/beneficiary eligibility was enhanced. The relevant settingsare now stored in new tables and table fields. During the upgrade,information must be transferred from the tables for the old design tothe tables for the new design, so that the system continues to functionas it did previously. The following tables and fields are filled during the conversion:
- T74HS: For all plans for which dependents or beneficiaries are
relevant, a dependent/beneficiary eligibility variant is created inT74HS with the same key as the plan.
- T74IS: The text table is filled with the plan texts from T5UCA.
- T74HT: Eligibility rules are created for all combinations of permitted
subtypes (according to table T5UDR) and permitted family membergroupings (according to table T74HH), taking age limits from tableT5UB3 into consideration.
- T5UBA-RLPVR: This field is filled with the name of the newly created
variant.Prerequisites To ensure that the upgrade runs smoothly, your Customizing data shouldbe consistent before the upgrade runs. You can check this using theConfiguration Consistency Check report RPUBEN42. If family membergroupings are used to determine eligibility for at least one plan, werecommend that, before the upgrade, you set up the feature RLPGR insuch a way as to ensure that a grouping value other than ' ' (blank) isassigned to all family members. Output The report generates a standard message log in which the number oftable entries created is listed. Depending on your data, warning orerror messages can also occur, in which case you should refer to thelong text of the error message. Note, however, that no inconsitenciescan endanger the return to productive operation of your system. In theworst case, dependents and beneficiaries temporarily cannot be enrolledin plans. Activities This report runs automatically during the upgrade. You simply need tocheck the message log. In case of inconsistencies or errors, you canalso run the report online to convert data after it has been modified.