Purpose This report is valid for South African customers that are upgradingfrom a release below 46A and are making use of tax procedures 3 and4. Tax procedures 3 and 4 are no longer supported as of 46A. Thisreport will convert old data on Infotype Tax >(0149) records toa new format with a specific date.Features Selection Test - When Test> mode is set, the report is only run in testmode and no conversion takes place. Log - When the Log> mode is set, every employee record where achange will take place is detailed in the log. Tax procedure 3 -> (5) This indicates that where the infotypecurrently contains tax procedure 3, the new tax procedure number (asspecified) will now be use. Tax procedure 4 -> (6) This indicates that where the infotype taxprocedure currently contains 4, the new tax procedure number (asspecified) will now be use. Conversion dates> Tax year begin date - The report determines the tax year begin date forthe employee based on the employee's current payroll area and delimitsthe infotype Tax> (0149) record as of this date. Next payroll date - The report determines the payroll date based on thecurrent date. If payroll has been run past the current date for theemployee, then the infotypes will be converted as of the start of thenext payroll period (otherwise the start of the current payroll periodwill be used). Other date - Any other specified date can be used.Activities Execute this report to convert the old tax procedures. If errors occur in the report log, investigate and correct all of theerrors. |