Title V0 table payroll conversion. Purpose This program is used to normalise the payroll table.V0 and ammend theRT ARRRS and DDNTK appropriately for all employee old results. As a result of this program the V0 entries with type R, A. I and Ewill be uniquely defined by the V0typ and Vinfo fields. Recomendations Set the program to convert payroll results as far back as is required. 1) Run the program in test mode for a small selection of employees withthe log on. Understand the program and check that the conversion iscorrect. 2) Run the program in live mode for all employees with the log off. Examples Example1 The RT V0 table could look like RT WT text V0typ VOZNR M105 Sports club R 01 M106 Subscription R 02 V0 V0typ V0znr Vinfo R 01 ------- R 02 ------- In the above example the V0 entry has no information and thersfore noV0 needs to be created for the wagetype. The program will convert these tablles as follows. RT WT text V0typ VOZNR M105 Sports club ---- ----- m106 Subscription ---- ----- V0 empty. Example 2 The RT V0 table could look like RT WT text V0typ VOZNR M105 Sports club R 01 M106 Subscription R 02 V0 V0typ V0znr Vinfo R 01 info 1 R 02 info 1 The program will convert these tablles as follows. RT WT text V0typ VOZNR M105 Sports club R 01 M106 Subscription R 01 V0 V0typ V0znr Vinfo R 01 info 1 Prerequisites You are upgrading from 3** release or are already live on a 4**release. Selection Convert data back to: YYYYPP - Setting 200001 would convert payrollbackto March 1999. Test mode - Check this to run the conversion prgram in test mode. Show log - Check this to display a detailed log of V0 changes in eachpayroll period for each employee. Output With the log option ticked a full detailed log of V0 changes peremployee and per payroll period. Activities Check the log |