Title Conversion of user - personnel number assignment according to theCommunication> infotype (0105)Purpose When converting an authorization check, the user - personnel numberassignment is read from the Communication> (0105) infotype as ofRelease 4.6A. The XPRA to convert T513A according to IT0105>(RPU46AXT513A) converts the data from table User-related values>(T513A) according to the Communication> infotype (0105).Note Data inconsistencies can lead to error messages. To avoid errors, firstcheck whether the data from table User-related values> (T513A) orfrom the Communication> infotype (0105) is more current. If thedata in the infotype is more up-to-date, no cleanup is necessary, butif this is not the case, you will have to maintain the data in theCommunication> infotype> (0105). |