Purpose The report converts the subtypes in YTT in cluster YJ from a subtype ofinfotype 0148 to another subtype of infotype 0021. Features The report processes as follows. Refer to the respective explanationbelow about the selection screen and the result screen. The report retrieves the cluster YJ meeting employee and periodcriteriaselected in the selection screen. Then the report checks the subtype of the family infotype in the tableYTT in the cluster YJ. If it is one of the subtypes specified in theselection screen, the subtype is changed to a new subtype. The report updates the cluster YJ if you select Database update buttonin the selection screen. Then the result screen is displayed. Selection [Employee Selection] Specify employees being subject to the conversion. If nothing isentered, the report processes all employees. [Conversion Period Selection] Specify a period in which the report processes cluster YJ. This is amandatory field, so you must specify it. [Converted Subtype Selection] The report converts the subtypes in Current subtype to that in Newsubtype. Predefined subtypes are entered in the fields Mandatory ConvertedSubtype. The conversion for the subtypes are must if you use thesubtypes provided by SAP as they are. If you need to convert othersubtypes, specify the current subtype in Current subtype and the newsubtype in New subtype in the Add-on Subtype area. [Database Update] If you select Simulation, the conversion results do not be updated inthe database. If you select Database Update, the report updates the conversionresultsto the database. Output The result screen displays all the cluster YJ records meeting theemployee and period criteria specified in the selection screen.Moreover, the screen displays the converted subtypes and the familynameif the subtype in the cluster has been converted. In case multiplesubtypes have been converted in one cluster YJ, the result screendisplays each subtype in respective lines. Pers.No. ,,: Displays personnel numbers Employee name ,,: Displays the name of employees P.year/TP ,,: Displays the year of cluster YJ PP for TP ,,: Displays the month of cluster YJ Converted ,,: Displays 'X' if the record has been converted ,, Blank is displayed if the record has NOT beenconverted. Current subtype ,,: Displays subtype before conversion New subtype ,,: Displays subtype after conversion Name of family ,,: Displays the name of family in case a subtype hasbeen converted Moreover, the report displays the following information after theindividual conversion results. - No. of YJ records selected: Displays the number of YJ records meeting the employee and periodcriteria specified in the selection screen. - No. of YJ records converted: Displays the number of YJ records actually converted in the YJ recordsabove. - No. of YTT records converted from X to Y: Displays the number of subtype conversions from X to Y, which arespecified as a current subtype and a new subtype in the selectionscreen. |