Description The report supports the first time set up of payroll calculation unitsfor application keys defined in the view V_T5C3I for HR Switzerland. If you want to structure your payroll calculation units to correspondto your previous personnel subareas, and do not have any other requestsfor the employee grouping (for example, dependent on employeesubgroup), use the report RPU45AC0. The report proceeds as follows:
- The organizational data for the selected employees is imported.
- The corresponding feature that forms the payroll calculation units is
evaluated (according to view V_T5C3J>), for each application key.
- An entry in the corresponding entity table for payroll calculation
units is created for the feature return value, if no previous entry isavailable. Each application key has its own entity table for payrollcalculation units. In this way, you can enter context dependentcharacteristics.
- The characteristics of the payroll calculation units are transferred
from the following views: View V_T5C0P> (personnel subareas) for the application keys FAK,AL, UVG, NBUZ View V_T536A> (wage statement controls) for the application keyLAW View V_T5C2I> (payroll calculation numbers for withholding tax)fot the application key QST RESET B2
- Subsequent new characteristics are assigned the following values:
Social insurance grouping:,,01 Insurance grouping:,,,,01
- The name of the personnel subarea is transferred, as a default value,
and assigned to the payroll calculation unit. Note, that in the case ofpayroll calculation units for the application key AL, for example,several personnel subareas combine into one> payroll calculationunit. The name of the last-read personnel subarea is transferred to thepayroll calculation unit. The name is printed out on the UI year-endcalculation and on the insurance year-end calculation. Upon succesfully setting up the payroll calculation units, check thesystem-generated tables in IMG step MaintainPayroll Calculation Units>.Conflict situations When creating payroll calculation units, conflict situations can ariseif personnel subareas with different data (for example, differentfamily bonus characteristics) should be summarized according to apayroll calculation feature. In this case, an error message isdisplayed and the program shuts down. If this happens, check thefeature for the formation of the affected payroll calculation units. SAP recommends that you run the program in test mode until no moreerrors occur. Then execute the productive run. Precondition You have modified the features CHFI0 - CHIFZ for the application keysyou need in the IMG step Maintain PayrollCalculation Units>.Output A list of the created payroll calculation units per application key isdisplayed. Notes
- If, when updating to 4.6A, you want to transfer the old organizational
classification according to personnel subareas, use the reportRPU45AC0>.
- The report does not overwrite already existing table entries. Therefore
it is possible to start the report many times.
- The program has no transport connection> for the altered tables.
- If you start the report in a test system and transport the settings to
the productive system later, you must manually write the request in theaffected tables. You can see which tables have been affected in the view V_T5C3I>for each application key.