Description Creation of initial payroll units> using existingsettings for the following application keys>:
- FAK (Family equalization fund)
- LAW (Wage statement)
- NBUZ (Non-industrial accident supplementary insurance)
- QST (Withholding tax)
- SFO (Schaffhausen social fund)
- MUG (Maternity insurance Geneva)
- UVG (Industrial accident/non-industrial accident)
The selection parameters have the following meanings:
- Reference date
The reference date determines which entries in the application keys aretime-dependent. This determines, for example, the feature used.
- Indicator: Unique names
If this indicator is set, the generated payroll units are assignedunique names regardless of application key>.
- Indicator: Test mode
If this indicator is set, the created data cannot be saved. Even ifthis indicator is not set, the database is only write accessed if youexplicitly choose Save> on the log output screen. The present report creates the necessary payroll units, in which youcompare the current application key-relevant settings with thepersonnel area/personnel subarea. The individual base values for thecomparison are:
- AL
In the standard system, a payroll unit is created for all personnelareas and subareas. The corresponding feature delivers this as aconstant value. Note: if you use more than one equalization fund when the payroll runs,you must create a payroll unit for each additional fund and enhance thegenerated feature accordingly.
The personnel areas/subareas are summarized according tofamily equalization fund>, normalhours>, company rule> and taxindicator> in accordance with T5C0P.
Payroll units are formed on the basis of personnel subareas accordingto T001P. The corresponding attributes are determined according toT536A with the same access procedure as the wage statement. The payrollunits are summarized on the basis of the attributesplace of work> (T536A-SEQNU = 'F' or, if necessary,= 'D'), canteen meals> (T536A-SEQNU = 'K'),meal> (T536A-SEQNU = 'L') and the comment lines 1 -6.
The payroll units are the personnel area and subarea combinations thatmatch in T5C0P for personnel subarea groupingaccording to UVG>. The payroll units grouping for SI is assigned thevalue "01".
The personnel areas/subareas are summarized according to T5C2I,corresponding to the payroll number>. In addition,canton-dependent settings are created.
Payroll units are created with SI canton> = 'SH' orSI canton <> 'SH'. In the first case '02' is selected forpayroll unit grouping for SI>; in the second case'99'. A maximum of two payroll units are created automatically. If you use more than one equalization fund, note that you must create apayroll unit for each additional fund and enhance the generated featureaccordingly.
Payroll units are created with SI canton> = 'GE' orSI canton <> 'GE'. In the first case '02' is selected forpayroll grouping for SI>; in the second case '99'. Amaximum of two payroll units are created automatically.
The payroll units are the personnel area and subarea combinations thatmatch in T5C0P for personnel subarea groupingaccording to UVG>. Normally, the designation of payroll units results from linking thepersonnel area and subarea. If you select the unique names>option, the name is a 7-character code formed from "ABR" and a 4-digitnumber. This is then unique for all application keys. The name of the payroll units is formed when the text is attached to apayroll unit's personnel area/subarea, as long as this fits within thecorresponding field length. In addition, the corresponding features arecreated based on the personnel areas/subareas. When the report is started, the required table entries are determinedand displayed in log output. To accept these defaults, choose "Save".You can now generate the created features. If inconsistencies occur between the different personnel area andsubarea-dependent tables, a warning appears. Only the personnelsubareas defined in T001P are taken into account. The report does not overwrite any existing payroll units or features.If you want to create new payroll units, you must first delete existingpayroll units in the customer client. The report is provided with a transport connection. Note that thecreated features must be generated in the target system.Precondition The following personnel area/subarea entries must exist
- In table T5C0P for FAK, SFO, MUG, UVG and NBUZ
- In table T5C2I for QST
- In table T536A with the address type '/S' for LAW
The application keys must exist on the reference date and be assignedto a feature. Note that you may have to use view V_T5C3J to copyentries from client 000.Output Payroll units for the aforementioned application keys and the featuresassigned to the application keys. Example Hints If you have further requirements regarding the structure of payrollunits (such as the formation of payroll units for different employeesubgroups), use report RPU45AC1>. You create payroll units for application key UEB (voluntary accidentinsurance), KT (per diem sick pay) and customer-specific insurance CUS1- CUS3 with report RPU45AC1> too.