Short text Initialisation of Infotype 0003 and regeneration of Infotype 009/433view Description As of 4.5A, Infotype 009 (Bank Details>) contains a GB-specificview (table PA0433). Only records created after table PA0433 was addedhave this specific view. When 009 infotype records created prior to4.5A are accessed for employees assigned to the GB country grouping,the system displays an error message (missing infotype record). Report RPU43300 therefore allows you to find all 009 infotype recordsthat do not have a 433 record and add this record to it. If there is a433 record but no 009 record, the 433 record is deleted. Both additionsand deletions count as updates in the statistics. Report RPU43300 is therefore run for the specified personnel numberrange to find all 009 infotype records that do not have a 433 record.The report fills field VIEKN of Infotype 0003, if it is not alreadyfilled (depending on feature IVWID). If this field in P0003 is blank,Infotype 0001 is used to determine the personnel area and personnelsubarea. These are used together with the feature IVWID to determinethe molga that should be used. If it is 08, Infotype 003 is updated. Ifit is not 08, no processing takes place at all. If the Infotype 0001 record is missing, an override flag can be set onthe selection screen to update Infotype 0003. You should be verycareful when using this. A test mode is also available. This allows you to display statisticsand errors, but it does not actually perform an update.Preconditions Feature IVWID must be maintained. Criterion: MOLGA The return code for MOLGA 08 is a two-character code, which is the keyfield in table T582V. The default value ID xx = 08. Note> This program should be run for all clients.Output List of records that could not be converted, including the reason,number of people checked, and number of people converted for Infotype0003 and 0009 records. |