Description When migrating from release 4.0A or 4.0B to 4.5a (or higher), you mustuse report RPU40CC1. This report carries out various conversions forcustomizing tables of the Compensation Management component. You canenter a range of clients to be migrated. As of release 4.6A, a further conversion is implemented when reportRPU46AC3 > is called. For more information, see thedetailed information, or the relevant report documentation.
- T710A> (Pay Grade) und T710> (Pay Grade Levels)
The fields T710A-CTPCT (Reference percentage) and T710A-MKREF (Marketreference pay) are no longer used in the standard SAP R/3 System. Thefield T710-SLREF (Reference salary of grade level) has been added. The report fills the fields T710A-CTAMT (Reference salary of grade) andT710-SLREF (Reference salary of grade level), if they have not yet beenmaintained, with default values.
- T710G> (Evaluation Groups)
This is a new table. It is now the proof table for the field'Evaluation group' on infotype 1050 (Job Evaluation Results). The report creates the necessary entries in the proof table if they donot already exist for all the infotype records in the active planversion that have the status active. If you want to use the data from adifferent plan version, you can specify this in the selection screen.
- T710S> (Survey Data)
This table has been extended by the fields ENDDA (End date), BEGDA(Start date), MABAS (Average basic salary), MABAM (Average bonuspayment (absolute)), MABPC (Average bonus payment (percentage)), CURCY(Currency key) and PERIO (Unit of time for compensation). Theattributes MABAS...PERIO used to be stored in infotype 1051 (JobSurvey). Now, they are taken from table T710S. The report creates or changes the necessary entry in the proof tableT710S for all the infotype records in the active plan version that havethe status active. The attributes MABAS...PERIO for each entry inT710S, as well as its period of validity, are copied from the infotyperecord 1051. If this creates records with overlapping periods of validity, butdifferent attributes, a new record is not created, and a warning iswritten in the log.
- T71C0> (Compensation Component Type)
Compensation category 4 (Benefits) is no longer valid. The report does not change the database table, but issues a warning foreach entry with compensation category 4. The data model of compensation plans has been restructured andextended. Tables T71C01 (Fixed Compensation Components), T71C02(Variable Compensation Components) and T71C03 (Stock Components) havebeen added. Table T71CB (formerly: Fixed Compensation Plan, now:Compensation Adjustments) now contains fixed as well as variable andstock adjustments. Tables T71CC and T71CD are therefore no longer required. T71C03 hasreplaced table T71CD and the information that was stored in T71CC isnow stored in T71CB and T71C02. The attributes of the old tables (T71CC and T71CD) have been copiedpartly to T71CB, partly to T71C02 and partly to T71C03. The attributesthat are compensation component-dependent (e.g. the wage type) are nowin T71C02 or T71C03, whereas the adjustment-dependent attributes (e.g.the effective date of a salary increase) are in T71CB.
- T71C01> (Fixed Compensation Components)
The report creates a corresponding record in T71C01 for each record inT71CB. The key field CTYPE (Compensation component) is copied from theforeign key entry in T71CA (Compensation Adjustment Type). If theforeign key entry does not exist, a warning is written in the log, anda new entry in T71C02 is not created.
- T71C02> (Variable Compensation Components)
The report creates a corresponding record in T71C02 for each record inT71CC. The key field CTYPE (Compensation Component) is copied from theforeign key entry in T71CA (Compensation Adjustment Type). If theforeign key entry does not exist, a warning is written in the log, anda new entry in T71C02 is not created. The period of validity, as well as the attributes WGTYP (wage type) andPLCAT (compensation component category) are copied from T71CC. If thiscreates records with overlapping periods of validity, but differentattributes, a warning is written in the log.
- T71C03> (Stock Components)
Analogous to T71C02: The report creates a corresonding record in T71C03for each record in T71CD. The key field CTYPE (Compensation component)is copied from the foreign key entry in T71CA (Compensation AdjustmentType). If the foreign key entry does not exist a warning is written inthe log and a new record of T71C03 is not created. The period of validity, as well as the attributes WGTYP (wage type),PRICE (stock price), and CURCY (currency key) are copied from T71CD. Ifthis creates records with overlapping periods of validity, butdifferent attributes, a new record is not created, and a warning iswritten in the log.
- T71CB> (Compensation Adjustment)
The report creates a corresponding record in T71CB for each record inT71CC. All key fields and most attributes are simply copied. If thiscreates records with overlapping periods of validity, but differentattributes, a new record is not created, and a warning is written inthe log. The field 'Calculation results' (Wage type model; T71CB-LGMST) plays aspecial role here. It was only possible to save one wage type in T71CC,while T71CB needs a wage type model. Hence for each record of T71CC,the program creates a wage type model in table T71F0 (Default WageTypes for Compensation Adjustments) containing only one wage type,namely T71CC-WGTYP, and one guideline T71CC-GUIDE. This wage type modelhas the same name as the compensation adjustment using it. If such awage type model cannot be created because of contradicting existingentries, or the field T71CC-WGTYP (wage type) was not filled, a warningis written in the log. In this case, a new record of T71CB is created,but the field T71CB-LGMST remains initial and needs to be enteredmanually afterwards.
- T71E0> (Guidelines)
The field GUIDE (Guideline) has the new proof table T71E0R (GuidelineVariants). A new key field GDGRP (Guideline group) and a new fieldMATRIX (Compensation matrix) was also added. It is now possible toenter the name of a matrix here, while formerly you could only enterits dimension. The report creates the necessary foreign key entries in table T71E0R.For matrix guidelines, it sets the internal field entry to 3. It alsoissues a warning, since these records need to be maintained manuallyafterwards: You need to specify an existing matrix. (You can create amatrix in the step 'Matrix' of the compensation management IMG.) Thenew key field 'Guideline Group' remains initial.
- T71F0> (Wage Types for Compensation Adjustments) (only from
release 99A) Table T71F1 now exists as the proof table for field LGMST (wage typemodel). Table T71F1 contains MANDT, CAREA and LGMST fields. When youcall the report RPU46AC3>, the relevant foreign keyentries are created in table T71F1 for entries that are available intable T71F0. In case of cancellation, the report can be restarted without problems.It sees which records have already been converted. The program writes an error message if the active plan version is notset for a client. If you need to convert this client, maintain theactive plan version (step 'Set active plan version' of the personnelmanagement IMG) and restart the report for this client. Beside this, all protocol entries are warnings or success messages. Inthese cases you need not restart the report. However, in some cases youneed to maintain customizing tables manually afterwards.