Description The XPRA (eXecute PRogram After) RPU40ATM converts the Time Managementclusters B2 (database PCL2) and B1 (database PCL1), and the IncentiveWages clusters L1 (databse PCL1) and G1 (database PCL1). Notes If the conversion process terminates, you can start it againmanually; clusters already converted are not converted again.>Runtime If you use Time Recording and Incentive Wages, the conversion takesapproximately 0.3 seconds per employee and year. If you only use Time Recording (without Incentive Wages), theconversion takes approximately 0.1 seconds per employee and year. Notes When clusters B2, L1, and G1 are converted, only data for the lasttwelve months is converted. This means that you can use Time Managementand Incentive Wages after a Release upgrade, but data that has not yetbeen converted cannot be read or processed. All transactions andreports terminate with an error message when non-converted data isread. Inconsistencies in the data cannot occur, however. Until theconversion is complete, retroactive accounting beyond twelve months isnot permitted. The remaining data must then be converted. To do this, start thefollowing conversion reports: RPUCB203 for cluster B2, RPUCL101 forcluster L1 and RPUCG101 for cluster G1. Using selection conditions, youcan start the reports only for some of the data to be converted. Thisallows a partial and parallel conversion. Precondition None |