Description The report program converts the payroll results for the British countryversion that already have NI calculations using the cluster tablesNIPAY, NIC, CNIC and NIRA. These NI calculations arise either from theNI conversion in program RPUNICG0 or from running the payroll driverafter implementing note 329654. These payroll results are saved incluster RG in the PCL2 file. We recommend that you create a backup copyof the PCL2 file before conversion. The report program has the 'Testrun' parameter. If this parameter is flagged, no changes are made tothe database. The default value is set to no database changes. A conversion is necessary if changes have occurred when storing thepayroll results. These changes can occur if new fields are required inexisting tables, or the format of the field has changed. Each change made during the storage of the payroll results triggers achange in the version number, which is also stored with each record,The payroll and evaluation reports can only work with records with thecurrent version number. However, since data from the past must often beaccessed, it is necessary to bring update these records so they havethe same format as the current version. This is performed by thisreport program. This report program is mainly used to change old data after a releaseupgrade. The report program assumes that the payroll data has already beenconverted to the 3.0/3.1 format, therefore the RPUCRxx0 XPRAS havealready been run. The conversion takes place for all clusters and allclients. Precondition This report program only contains the general process control for theconversion for all countries and clients. To execute the conversion ina country, you will access a country-dependent subroutine pool. Thissubroutine pool must be first generated using the report programRPUGEN00. (For more information, see the documentation for RPUGEN00). Output The report program generates statistics relating to the conversion.These can be interpreted as follows: A personnel number can have several payroll results (logical records).Each payroll result may need several physical records for storage. There are several alternatives for each logical record: 1. The record could be correctly converted 2. The record has already been converted 3. The record has a version number that cannot be supported 4. An error has occurred during the conversion. A possible reason isthat the existing record in the database is faulty. The total of items 1 - 4 gives the number of logical records. The data for the conversion is displayed in the statistics per clientand per cluster. The results for clients and clusters are displayed as totals. The statistics are displayed on the screen. Example
- Conversion of HRMS payroll results
- Overview
- Total number of personnel numbers..............."1000"
- Total number of physical records................"21300"
- Total number of logical records................."20100"
- Total number of records already converted......."5"
- Total number of records with incorrect version.."2"
- Total number of incorrect records..............."1"
- Total number of converted records..............."20092"
- Conversion for client "003": Country grouping "08" (cluster "RG")
- Number of personnel numbers....................."1000"
- Number of physical records......................"21300"
- Numbr of logical records........................"20100"
- Number of records already converted............."5"
- Number of records with incorrect version........"2"
- Number of incorrect records....................."1"
- Number of converted records....................."20092"