Description Warning> This XPRA report is not an online report. It is a report which runsautomatically following a system upgrade. If your system is 4.0 or younger, this report should already have runwhen your system was upgraded to 4.0. If, for any reason, you decide to run this online, you will be doing soat your own risk.Output In principle, the three credit plan views/tables are replaced as ofthis release as follows; ------------------------------------------------------------ | Old | New | Name of view (constant) | ------------------------------------------------------------ | V_T5UDP | V_T74FI | Credit plan | | V_T5UDM | V_T74FJ | Credit formula | | V_T5UDN | V_T74FK | Credit formula calculation rule | ------------------------------------------------------------ The purpose of these replacements is principally to enable the fieldBPLAN to be a key field in the two views defining the credit formula.This means that a credit formula is attached specifcally to oneparticular credit plan. It also means that credit is handled in thesystem in a way that is symmetrical to cost. This report creates customizing entries in the new views as follows:
- The entries from the old credit plan view V_T5UDP are carried over to
the new V_T74FI on a one to one basis.
- For every credit formula entry in V_T5UDM, that is used by a credit
plan in the view V_T5UDP, the report creates an entry for this creditformula/credit plan combination in the new credit formula view V_T74FJ.
- If a credit formula exists that is not used by a credit plan, the
report does not create an entry, but produces an warning in the reportprotocol.
- For every credit formula calculation rule entry in V_T5UDN, the report
looks at where the credit formula is used in V_T5UDP. Then for everypossible combination of credit plan/credit formula/credit formulacalculation rule, the system creates an entry in the new credit formulacalculation rule view V_T74FK. If no entry is found in V_T5UDP, noentry is created, but a warning appears in the report protocol.
- In all views the field PFLEX is renamed BCRED and BPLAN becomes a key
field in the views V_T74FJ and V_T74FK.