Description Warning> This XPRA report is not an online report. It is a report which runsautomatically following a system upgrade. If your system is 4.0 or younger, this report should already have runwhen your system was upgraded to 4.0. If, for any reason, you decide to run this online, you will be doing soat your own risk.Output In principle, the view Insurance plan (V_T5UBC) is to be replaced fromthis release on with the new Insurance plan view (V_T74FA). Coverageinformation is now to be stored in a combination of two new views forthe calculation of coverage. The new coverage formula will now bereferenced by the insurance plan, much as it already does for costformulas. This report transfers the customizing entries from the view V_T5UBC tothese three new views;
- V_T74FA - Insurance plan
- V_T74FB - Coverage formula
- V_T74FC - Coverage formula calculation rule.
The entries from V_T5UBC are distributed over the three new views on aone to one basis, with one exception: The coverage name (BCOVR) is used to fill the coverage name andadditionally it provides the name of the coverage formula (BCOVE) forthat coverage, all within the new Insurance plan view (V_T74FA). In the first instance, there is a one to one relationship between thecoverage name> and the coverage formula> in the system, asit has been up to now. However it should now be possible to use onecoverage formula for perhaps several coverages. Also, the convertedentries have no variables such as age or salary, because of courseuntilnow, there was no method of defining this.