Description The existing program enters the currency in table T511P in each clientand for each country grouping. The currency for a country grouping istaken from tables T500P and T001. The procedure is as follows: The system searches for the first entry in table T500P that matches thecountry grouping. The currency in table T001 is then determined usingthe company code for the entry found. The error message "No currency exists in client = &1 and country = &2"indicates missing or incorrect entries in the tables T500P and T001. The error message "Not all entries in client = & and country = & havebeen updated" means that not all entries in table T511P for thespecified client for the specified country grouping could be updated(the Update command did not take all entries into account). Thismessage should not appear. However, if it does appear, you should runthe program again. This conversion only considers the entries in T511P that have not yetbeen assigned a currency. This ensures that existing currencies are notoverwritten. |