In release 3.1H, a new currency field has been added to the aboveinfotypes. Program RPU31HXX fills the new currency field in theseinfotypes with the company code currency which is valid for the personin question. When you run the program, existing currency fields are changed in theinfotypes.
WAERS_PERNR: All personnel numbers and relevant currencies. The RANGE table RANGE_PERNR is then filled for each currency in theWAERS_PERNR. The RANGE table contains all personnel numbers for thiscurrency. RANGE_PERNR: All personnel numbers for a currency. The RANGE table RANGE_PERNR then fills all the infotypes to beconverted with the current currency ACT_WAERS = WAERS_PERNR-WAERS. Output (Information message) Program RPU31HXX will begin processing client mmm. (Error message) In the client it has just processed, the program has found personnelnumbers which are assigned to company code xxxx. No entry exists intable T001 for this company code. Following this message, the programoutputs a log listing all relevant personnel numbers. > (Error message) Personnel number pppppppp has no valid company codes. Infotype recordswhich may exist for this personnel number are not filled with the newcurrency. (Error message) In the client it has just processed, the program has found personnelnumbers in several company codes with different currencies. Followingthis message, the program outputs a log listing all relevant personnelnumbers. (Error message) Personnel number pppppppp is assigned several company codes withdifferent currencies (c1 and c2). The program uses the first (inalphabetical order) currency (c1) for conversion. (Success message) In infotype PAnnnn, x records were converted to the currency ccc. |