Description General description> Report program RPU31HDE makes country-related currency adjustments inall clients except '000' for the following infotypes and tables:
- PA0010
- PA0026
- PA0111
- T510Q
In release 3.1H, a new currency field has been added to the aboveinfotypes/tables. Program RPU31HDE fills the new currency field inthese infotypes/tables with the country-specific company code currencyfor country grouping (MOLGA) '01'. Note:> When you run the program, the currency fields of infotypes whichalready contain values are changed. Currency fields in table T510Qwhich contain values are not converted again.Internal report description> Program RPU31HDE executes the following actions for all clients in T000except '000'. The program fills the internal table BUKRS with all company codes intable T500P that have the country grouping '01'. If there are no company codes with country grouping '01', a message tothis effect is output and processing in the current client terminated. BUKRS: All company codes with country grouping '01'. The program then reads the company code currency for all company codesin BUKRS from table T001 and stores it in the internal table WAERS. Ifthe program does not find a currency for any company code, it outputs amessage to this effect and terminates processing in the current client.If table T001 contains different currencies for the company codes inBUKRS, the program uses the first (in alphabetical order) currency itfinds for the conversion. It outputs a message to this effect and liststhe currencies it found. WAERS: All currencies for company codes with country grouping '01'. The currency is stored in the ACT_CURRENCY field. The currency field of the above infotypes/tables is filled with theACT_CURRENCY value. Output The program outputs the following log messages:
- "Start XPRA RPU31HDE in client:" "mmm" " " " ">
(Information message) program RPU31HDE will begin processing client mmm.
- XPRA "RPU31HDE"; no entry in table "T500P" for "01">
(Error message) Table T500P does not contain a company code with country grouping(MOLGA) '01'.
- XPRA "RPU31HDE"; no entry in table "T001" for "01">
(Error message) Table T500P contains company codes with country grouping (MOLGA) '01'.However, table T001 does not contain any of these company codes. Following this message, the program outputs a log listing all companycodes with country grouping '01'.
- "n" "Entries converted (table, currency):" "xxxx" "www">
(Success message) In infotype/table xxxx, n records were converted to the currency www.