Description The Recruitment system uses texts from the SAPscript database TEXT.These standard texts can be used as a model when creating mails andletters to applicants, and table T750B (Advertisement) also includes afunctionality which enables you to record an advertisement text in fileTEXT. In Release 2.2 these texts were stored under the object TEXT withtext ID ST. The texts could be maintained using the transaction forSAPscript standard texts, SO10, specifying the text ID 'ST'. In Release 3.0, these texts are stored under the following text IDs: - PALT Applicant correspondence - PAML Text for mail on applicant activity - PAOF Publication text For this reason, you must convert the text IDs for the texts you use. This program determines which texts need to be converted by reading therelevant features PACTV, PACPA and MAILS, and all applicant activitiesand advertisements in T750B. The texts used there are converted. You can run this program as often as you wish. After it has been run,the texts must be stored under the new text IDs, PALT, PAML and PAOF.You can check which texts have been converted by specifying the desiredtext IDs and clicking "Find" in transaction SO10. |