SAP Program RPU30600 - Infotype-view I0021/I0306 conversion

This program carries out the conversion of the infotype 0021 for theexisting personnel numbers before the creation of the view 0306. Theprogram creates an entry in the field P0003-viekn and extends all therecords existing for the info-type 0021 to the info-type 0306 (0021info-type view).

The conversion program functions only if the following settings havebeen carried out:

  • update of characteristic IVWID

  • update of table T582V
  • Output
    A list with the following information in displayed:

    • processed personnel numbers

    • wrong personnel numbers

    • with update of infotype 0003

    • with update of infotype 0021 (View)
    • Further_hints
      The following fields should not be used because they are not processedby the payroll accounting and they will be moved from the view 306 tothe info-type Family allowance (I0160):

      • Deduction measure,,P0306-MSDTR

      • Fam.allowance ind.,, ,,P0306-CFANF

      • DTF indicator,, ,,P0306-CFDTR

      • Total income,,P0306-RECOM

      • income from dir.employment,,P0306-REDIP