Description Prior to Release 3.0E, cumulations in Incentive Wages were controlledusing tables T703L>, T703O>, T703E> or the cumulationrules of the time tickets. As of Release 3.0E, cumulations arecontrolled centrally using the view cluster VC_T703J> which formsthe basis of the new time-dependent table T703J>. Cumulationrules can no longer be specified on time tickets rendering tableT703E> invalid. Table T703O> and fields in tableT703L> which relate to cumulations are no longer evaluated aswell. You can use this report to generate table T703J> automatically.The report converts the the cumulation controls which are stored intables T703L> and T703O> to the rules in tableT703J>. You can use the report if you upgraded your system from a release priorto 3.0E to Release 3.0E or higher and want to use the new cumulations.Make sure to specify the old release on the initial screen, as tablesT703L> and T703O> in releases prior to 3.0A have adifferent significance than releases from 3.0A to 3.0D.Further_hints After the report is run, check the cumulation rules generated in theSet cumulation rules> step in the ImplementationGuide (IMG). Refer to release note Cumulations inIncentive Wages> for additional information. |