Description The program fills the new tables T500P (Business section), T501 (Emplolyee groups), T503K (Employee subgroups) and T522G (Assignment of forms of address to gender). The program can be repeated at any time. If entries are made in one ofthe tables for one client, no further conversion of the correspondingtables takes place. An error does not prevent the running of the update, the table entriescan be corrected later. The stages in detail: Table T500P (Business section) is filled using all of the businesssections from table T001P (formely known as plants in table T5001P). The plants of the same name listed in table T001W are used as proposalsfor the names and addresses of business sections. The company code assigned to the plant is taken over by the businesssection. The country modifier (Molga) comes from the entry in table T001P. Nowthat several entries can be defined in table T001P for the samebusiness section, it is checked to see whether the Molga assigned isunambiguous. If there are already entries in table T500P for one client then nofurther conversion takes place. Tables T501 (Employee groups) and T50K (Employee subgroups) are filledfor every client using the entries made in their corresponding texttables T501T and T503T. An additional stage of the program fills the the talbe T522G (Assign-ment of forms of address to gender) using table T522 for every client. Possible errors: In table T522 different gender keys are assigned tothe same form of address key. Example: Form of address Form of address key Gender text 1 1 1 Mr 1 2 In this instance, only one entry is accepted in table T522G: Form of address key Gender 1 1 This is to be checked after conversion. In a final stage, the clarity of the text output in tables T502T,T516T, T522T, T538T is checked. If the same text appears for severalinternal keys then an error message is issued. An additional check will take place for table T538T to see whether itexceeds the eight digits/characters. |