Description Program RPU30000 converts infotypes of the tables PREL and PAPL intothe transparent tables PAnnnn (personnel master data) and PBnnnn(applicant master data). 'nnnn' stands for the infotype number. Precondition The 'Database name' field of infotypes in table T582A indicates thetable in which data is stored. Entry options are:
A> - The infotype is used only for employee data. Data is stored in the table PAnnnn> (nnnn=infotype number).
B> - The infotype is used only for applicant data. Data is stored in the table PBnnnn> (nnnn=infotype number).
AB> - The infotype is used both for employee and applicant data. Data is stored in tables PAnnnn> and PBnnnn>. RESET B1 Customer-specific infotypes are converted only if the database namefield is maintained and a transparent table is stored in the DataDictionary. Please read 'Create transparenttables for infotypes'>Output The report creates a log which indicates that an infotype wassuccessfully converted. The following errors can occur: Records are already available in the system. When infotypes are converted into transparent tables, the system checkswhether or not records are already available for the employee orapplicant number. The system does not convert infotype records that already exist. Thisensures that time constraint violations do not occur. Existing recordsmust first be deleted. Check whether the conversion procedure should be repeated. If necessary, delete records using transaction PU00 for personnelnumbers and PU90 for applicant numbers. Then run program RPU30000 andconvert the records again. The format of infotype NNNN records is incorrect. The data contents of the infotype record do not match the datadescription. The record cannot be saved. Check whether you can edit the record in the old system (release 2.1 or2.2) using the maintenance transactions. If editing is not possible, the record was probably invalid in the first place and should have been deleted. This error then occurs onlyin certain cases. If editing is possible, the data will not be converted correctly. Should this error occur in an SAP standard infotype, contact the Hotline. Should this error occur in a customer-specific infotype, check the DataDictionary description of the infotype structure P9nnn and thetransparent table PA9nnn. Infotype NNNN is not available in T582A. The old file (PREL or PAPL) contains records of an infotype which isnot in table T582A. Check whether you can edit the record in the old system (release 2.1 or2.2) using the maintenance transactions. If editing is not possible, the data in question is probably test datawhich is no longer required. If editing is possible, the new system has not been configuredcorrectly. Should this error occur in an SAP standard infotype, adjust table T582Ato the SAP standard client. Should this error occur in a customer-specific infotype, make theappropriate entry in table T582A and check if the Data Dictionarycontains the infotype structure P9nnn and the transparent table PA9nnn. Infotype NNNN has the wrong database name. The 'Database name' field in table T582A specifies the transparent table in which infotype data is stored. If this error occurs, the database name is not 'A', 'B' or 'AB'. The infotype is probably customer-specific. Create the transparenttable in the Data Dictionary for the infotype, and correct the entry intable T582A. Run program RPU30000 again.