Short text Initialisation of Infotype 0003 and regeneration of Infotype view 214. Description Field VIEKN of infotype 0003 will be filled (depending on featureIVWID). If these fields of P0003 are blank, then infotype 0001 is usedto determine the personnel area and personnel subarea. These are usedwith the feature IVWID to determine the molga that should be used. Ifthis is 09 then infotype 0003 will be updated. If the infotype 0001 record is missing, then an override flag can beset on the selection screen to update infotape 0003. You should be verycareful when using this. PA0214 is a table that has been added to the infotype 0045 as aso-called infotype view. Only records created after the addition ofthis infotype view (assuming IT 3 is updated) will have this additionalrecord. The program finds all infotype 45 records that do not have a214 record and adds one. If there is a 214 record but no 45 record, the214 record will be deleted. Both additions and deletions count asupdates in the statistics. A test mode is available that will display statistics/errors but willperform no updates. Requirements Feature IVWID must be maintained. Criterion: MOLGA The return code for MOLGA 09 is a two-character code, which is thekeyfield in table T582V. Default value id xx = 09. Remark: This program should be run for all clients OUTPUT List of records that could not be converted, including the reason,number of people checked, converted for infotype 0003 and 0045 records. |