SAP Program RPTX2010 - Upload EE Remun.Info

This report is part of a solution that transfers evaluated time datafrom external time management systems (external time wage types) to SAPTime Management and Payroll.
The aim of the report is to transfer this external data to theEmployee Remuneration Information infotype (2010), whereadditional information on different payments and cost information(personnel cost assignment or activity allocation) are also supported.To be able to understand the interface concept it is therefore aprerequisite that the user is already familiar with the EmployeeRemuneration Info infotype within SAP HR. To be able to understand thecorrect way of supplying the external interface, you must have alreadyclarified which data you want to maintain using the EE Remuneration Infoinfotype, so that SAP Payroll functions properly. Alongside theclarification of a corresponding wage type catalog, you should also befamiliar with the concepts of 'personnel cost allocation'and/or'activity allocation' for integration to cost accounting and how toapply them in your specific case.

Transfer of external data
The transfer process consists of two parts:
Step 1: Filling Interface Table PTEX2010
The report RPTX2010 carries out this step by uploading a sequentialfile. The data is supplied to the control table PTEXDIR in addition tothe interface table PTEX2010.
Step 2: Transfer from Interface table to Infotype 2010
In the second step, the transfer report RPTEXTPT exports the datafrom the interface table PTEX2010 and transfers it to the EmployeeRemuneration Information infotype (2010).

Function of the upload report:
The report assumes that the file to be imported is structured accordingto the structure EXTREC defined in the report coding (external format).This report is explained in more detail below. The report converts theexternal format EXTREC into the internal structure PEX2010, which thensupplies the database tables PTEX2010 and PTDEXTIR. PGMID1 are filledwith the user name, date, time and program. The status fieldsPTEX2010-STATU2 and PTEX2010-STATU3 are initialized. Thesestatus fields transfer the data record to infotype 2010 (seeRPTEXTPT).
You can deviate from the standard processing in the following ways:

  • If you want to make the file structure conform to your own format, you
  • can adjust the structure EXTREC.
    • If adjusting the external format into the internal structure PEX2010
    • requires special coding, you can enter it in the routineSET_EXTREC_TO_PEX2010.
      Copy the report onto a customer-specific report, for example ZPTX2010.

      Retrieving a file
      The file is normally to be found on an application server in the SAPsystem. Select 'File on application server' as your source.Alternatively, you can load a file from a local PC. This is especiallyuseful for testing. Select 'Local file' as your source.

      If you want a log of the uploaded data records, you must select the'log' field. The log contains three different lists:

      • New data records

      • Skipped duplicate records in the file

      • Records already imported to the interface

      • The log also displays the amount of imported and duplicate data records.

        If you only want to simulate the import, the 'upload' field must not beselected. If the 'log' field is selected at the same time, you will onlyreceive a list of the processes data records. An import will not takeplace.

        Field structure of the external record structure
        You define the external format of the data records to be imported in thestructure EXTREC. The external field formats are always character-based.The exact field lengths are shown in the declaration of structureEXTREC in the report coding.
        In the declaration of external structure EXTREC in the report coding youcan find the internal field names used in the report and thecorresponding BAPI field names. The background is as follows: asof Release 4.5A you have the option of supplying the interface tablePTEX2010 using BAPIs instead of uploading a sequential file. (Thesupplyis asynchronous in relation to the supply of the IDOCs thatcorrespond to the BAPI.) The interface structure of the BAPIs is closelyrelated to the structure of the sequential file. A list of the BAPIfield names highlights this relationship. In the following section, theBAPI field names are used to describe the structure of the records.
        A data record is structured as follows:
        Record identification
        A data record is identifiable by the following three unique flags:
        EXTSYSTEM - External (logical) system: to correspond to the quantityused in the SAP environment, the external system should also beidentified by a 10-character (maximum) as a logical system logicalsystem. A logical system describes a system on which an applicationworks on a common data base. It is used in the ALE environment: two ormore systems communicate with each other. The IMG describes how thelogical systems are set up. In the case of an upload of external timewage types based on the existing file, the logical system is only usedfor documentation and identifying the original dataset.
        EXTAPPLICATION - External application: this 5-character (maximum)indicator identifies the external application that created the externalwage types. It is typically an abbreviation of the product to be coupledwith the SAP HR system. If there is only one external product, you canuse 'EXT', for example. This field is used analogously to the quantityobject type.
        EXTDOCUMENTNO - The 20-character document number represents thedocument number of the data record. The document number must be uniquewithin the (external) logical system and the external application.
        The identification information is included in the transfer to theinfotype record, so that the infotype record can refer to its sourcedocument. At the same time, the unique identification of the recordusing the specification of the external system, external applicationanddocument number allows you to cancel a data record. The uniquedocument number must be created by the external application.
        Cancelling a record
        REVERSED - The checkbox field REVERSED is used together with theidentification from the above flags (external system, externalapplication, document number) to cancel a data record. The contents ofthe remaining fields are ignored for cancellations. The possible valuesare space or 'x'.
        User field
        CUSTOMER_FIELD - A 40-character CUSTOMER_FIELD is available forcustomer-specific use and is transferred to the interface tablePTEX2010, but not to the HR infotype. You can use it to transmitadditional information on the origin and relationships of the data (forexample, 'Data for payroll run 02/1998, payroll area X2'). The transferprogram can use the customer-specific fields to ensure that the transfercan be bundled and checked using this information (for example, to check'Has all of the data from payroll area X2 been transferred to infotype2010?').
        Key fields of the infotype
        Typical fields of the HR infotypes are used: see structure PA2010:
        EMPLOYEENUMBER - Personnel number
        VALIDITYDATE - Validity date
        LOCKINDICATOR - Lock indicator
        Possible values are space or 'X'.
        Wage type information
        The fields correspond to those in infotype 2010. The field contentsthatare permitted and which are relevant to the individual customersituation (use of infotype 2010 in payroll) can be analyzed:
        WAGETYPE - Wage type
        NO_OF_HOURS - No. of hours (for time wage types)
        NUMBER - Number
        TIME_UNIT - Unit
        AMOUNT - Amount
        OT_COMP_TYPE - Overtime compensation type
        In the character-based structure EXTREC, the AMOUNT field was assigned
        the length of 18 characters. Due to restrictions in infotype 2010, inthe SAP 3.x Releases you can only enter an amount of charactersto allow for currencies such as USD or DEM and 7 places before thedecimal point and 2 places after it, for example:
        7654321.21+ or 7654321.21 or 7654321.21-
        Larger amounts can be processed as of Release 4.0A.
        Alternative payment
        The possible fields correspond to the options for determining thealternative payment as they are in the time infotypes (20xx):
        PAYSCALEGROUP - Pay scale group
        PAYSCALELEVEL - Pay scale level
        BONUSTYPE - Premium number (bonus)
        BONUSVALUE - Premium indicator (bonus)
        POSITION - Position
        VALUATION_BASIS - Valuation basis
        CURRENCY - Currency
        EXTRA_PAY_INDIC - Extra pay indicator These 8 characters includeany possible formatting characters. This means that for currencies suchas USD or DEM you can only use 3 characters before the decimal point and2 after it, for example 321.21.
        The CURRENCY field is supported as of Release 3.1I/4.0A. It relates tothe AMOUNT field and the VALUATION_BASIS field.
        Cost information
        There are two possible types of cost information (as in the timeinfotypes: personnel cost assignment or activity allocation. In theupload program, the possible fields for these two processes are includedin a joint structure.
        The following are relevant to personnel cost allocation:
        COMP_CODE - Company code
        BUS_AREA - Business area
        COSTCENTER - Cost center
        ORDERID - Order number
        COST_OBJ - Cost object
        WBS_ELEMENT - Work breakdown structure element
        NETWORK - Network number
        ACTIVITY - Activity number
        SALES_ORD - Sales order number
        S_ORD_ITEM - Sales order item number
        CO_BUSPROC - Process number CO
        SERVICE_TYPE - Service type (PSG)
        SERVICE_CATEGORY- Service category (PSG)
        In addition, the sender information is relevant to activity allocation:
        COMP_CODE - Sender company code
        BUS_AREA - Sender business area
        SEND_CCTR - Sender cost center
        ACTTYPE - Activity type
        SEG_TEXT - Item text
        The ACTTYPE field (activity type) identifies the cost information asactivity allocation.

        Duplicated data records
        The system identifies duplicated data records when the the file isimported. The system identifies the record as described above using the3 fields EXTSYSTEM, EXTAPPLICATION, and EXTDOCUMENTNO.

        • Data records that have already been imported to the interface are not
        • imported again.
          • If a data record is in the same file several times, it is only imported
          • once.