SAP Program RPTTCLTA - Cluster Manipulator and Deleter for Cluster TA of PCL1

With this report you can manipulate data in cluster TA on PCL1 (thiscluster contains the accounting numbers of the imported credit cardaccounting files in credit card clearing).
You can use it to delete single lines pertaining to a credit cardcompany or to set a started but not yet completed accounting run tocompleted status.

The program should only be used in special situations during a test
run or to reorganize cluster TA.
The program is to be used as a reference report only and can not be rundirectly. If it should become necessary to use this report, copy it andmodify the copy.
The executable, modified program should be used with caution and onyour own responsibility. Do not allow unauthorized persons to use thisprogram !!
To run it, search in the program for the additional securitylock and set the line containing 'exit.' in asterisks.
Use logon name as password.