SAP Program RPTQTA00 - Generate Absence Quotas

Generation of absence quotas

You can use this report to accrue time-off entitlements automaticallyfor groups of employees or individual employees. The absences are savedas records of the Absence Quotas infotype (2006).
The report generates the time-off entitlements for a defined generationinterval. The generation interval determines the validity period of theabsence quota record being created. You can use the following proceduresto define the validity period:

  • You enter the start and end date directly in the Other Period
  • field in the report selection screen.
    • You enter only the start date or the end date. The date is used as the
    • key date for determining the actual validity interval according to theValidity Period: Absence Quotas for Default Values Customizingtable (T559V) in the Set Up Automatic Accrual UsingReport RPTQTA00 IMG activity.
      • You do not enter a start date or an end date. The system date is used as
      • the key date for determining the actual validity interval according tothe Validity Period: Absence Quotas for Default ValuesCustomizing table (T559V).
        Accruing absence quota records
        If the specified generation or validity period is entirely within thevalidity period of an existing infotype record, a new infotype record iscreated.
        Existing infotype record:,,01/01/2003 - 12/31/2003,,24 days
        New infotype record created:,,,,,,01/02/2003 - 02/28/2003,,02 days
        Total entitlement: 26 days
        If, however, the validity period of an existing record is entirelywithin the validity period of a newly generated record, the two recordsare offset against each other, provided that you have activated theSettlement of existing quota entitlements field in theDefine Generation Rules for Quota SelectionCustomizing activity. This field is available only for quota types thatare not generated by time evaluation.
        This method is particularly suitable if you want to allocate youremployees entitlements in advance of a leave year and then offset themwhen you generate the new annual entitlement, for example.
        Existing infotype record:,,01/01/2003 - 01/31/2003,,02 days
        New infotype record to be created:,,,,01/01/2003 - 12/31/2003,,24 days
        Data records created in the Absence Quotasinfotype (2006):
        Existing infotype record:,,01/01/2003 - 01/31/2003,,02 days
        New infotype record created:,,,,,,01/01/2003 - 12/31/2003,,22 days
        If the new validity period of the new record identical to the validityperiod of an existing record, no new infotype record is created.
        Existing infotype record:,,01/01/2003 - 01/31/2003,,02 days
        New infotype record to be created:,,,,01/01/2003 - 01/31/2003,,02 days
        Data records created in the Absence Quotas infotype (2006):
        Existing infotype record:,,01/01/2003 - 01/31/2003,,02 days
        Supplying the Absence Quotas infotype (2006)
        The Absence Quotas infotype (2006) is supplied with data by oneof the following procedures:
        • A batch input processing session is generated during the program run,
        • which can be processed at a later time.
          • The new or changed infotype records are updated directly.

          • The report is run in test mode. This means that you can monitor the
          • result in the output list before data is actually transferred.
            If you also enter further selections in the report selectionscreen, you can use the person selection period to define a key date orperiod for which time-off entitlements are to be generated for allmembers of a cost center, for example.
            If you run the report online, the system outputs a list of the generatedabsence quotas, and error messages for the personnel numbers that itcould not process.
            If you run the report as a background job, the error messages are notdisplayed.

581301HRPTIM03: Conversion of customer exits
484834Quota generation after organizational reassignment
411854Processing of remaining quotas