The overtime report is done according to the swedish requirementsfrom: Anteckningar om jourtid, övertid och mertid (AFS 1982:17)>
and from Sveriges Verkstadsindustrier:
Tjänstemannaavtal 1998 -2000
Verkstadsavtal 1998 - 2000Integration
Make sure that you have run your time evaluation and that the field PDCrecalculation of infotype 0003 has the correct date. E.g. if you wantto run the report for 31.01.2000 then you should have at least thevalue 31.01.2000 in this field (which means that you have run timeevaluation until then)
For employees that has got a dispens you would have to add this quotamanually on the infotype 2006. Make sure that you add it with a datefrom the 1st of the month and if you want to delimit it with a date atthe last day of the month.
You can make the normal organizational selections on the selectionscreen, and also if you have a variant for the sap list viewer. Theform you have copied from OVTI is obligatory.
You can run the report up until a keydate e.g. until the 15.02.2000
The list evaluates all dates until the keydate of the selection screene.g. until 15.02.2000 from the beginning of the calendar year. Theoutput of the list is per month. Attention if you put in keydate e.g.15.02.2000 then it evaluates the data until this date and puts it inthe field of February.
Organizational data is always evaluated according to the last values ofthe employee.
Field-descriptions and connected signals:
Overtime>: Worked overtime hours per month
Overtime parttime (mertid):> Worked overtime parttime (mertid)hours per month
Sum:> Consists of the sum of the columns overtime and overtimeparttime (mertid)
(Signal 1 is connected to this field)
Restored hours: >It is the restored hours of the comp bank thatare used. There is normally a max limit for this per calendar year. Thelist never shows more than the cumulated value of the max limit, if itis used for the group that the employee is in.
(Signal 2 is connected to this field)
Dispens>: This shows the dispens for the employee
Available overtime:> Shows how much available overtime anemployee has left.
This is calculated the following way: (Maxlimit of OT + Dispens +Restored hrs) Sum of OT and MT. (Signal 3 and 4 are connected to thisfield)
Example for January: (150+75+30) 210 = 45
Dispens is raised from the first of February to 130.
Overtime worked in Feb: 145
Restored hours: 45
Example for February: (150+130+75)- 355 = 0 (can also be negative)
Availability:> Shows the availability (jour) for each month
This can be customised so that a limit of avail. is set and when thislimit exceeds then the rest of the availability will be added to thefield overtime and calculated in the Sum field.
(The signal 5 is connected to this field)
Warning:> Shows the different warnings that can appear for anemployee
Emergency overtime (nödfallsÖT):> Shows the number of hours ofthis
Emergency overtime parttime (nödfallsMT):> The same as above butfor parttime employee
Comp bank:> Shows how much in the comp. bank the employee hasleft (rest)
Shift comp:> Shows how much shift comp the employee has left(rest)
Earned shift comp: >Earned shiftcomp from the beginning of thecalendar year
Taken shift comp.:> Taken shiftcomp from the beginning of thecalendar year
The overtime report produces a list with different signals per employeetelling you information about the overtime that the employee has workedaccording to different regulations.
At the end of a list an explanation of the five different signalsappear.
1) Limit for maximum hours of overtime for one month reached
2) Maximum limit of restored hours reached (only given out the lastperiod)
3) Number of available overtime hours less than limit
4) Limit for max hours of overtime for calendar year reached (onlygiven out the last period)
5) Maximum of availability reached for calendar monthActivities
Please see the IMG:
Payroll accounting Sweden - Overtime reporting
Overtime report customising>