SAP Program RPTNSHA0 - Nachtschwerarbeitsgesetz - NSchG

Since July 1981, special laws have been in effect for workersperforming heavy labor on night shifts. Resulting potential damages tothe workers' health must be compensated through additional leave and aspecial pension. The law requires the employer to notify the socialinsurance agency of workers performing heavy labor on the night shift.This takes the form of a change notification.
The report enables you to manage your workers who perform heavy laboron the night shift.

The following are prerequisites for running the report:

  • You must have entered and saved your company's addresses (company name,
  • personnel area/subarea, street, and city). For this, a step isavailable in Customizing for Personnel Administration under
    Organizational Data -> Organizational Assignment ->Additional Organizational Assignments Austria -> EmployeeIdentification with Authorities -> Employer's Address.
    • If you represent your employees' leave entitlement in Leave
    • Entitlement infotype (0005), you must maintain the Leave typefield for table T533 in the view Personnel Area/Subarea: Overview
      However, if you use the time quotas in Time Quotas infotype(2006), the appropriate time quota must exist. For information on thesettings required to use time quotas, see the Implementation Guide(IMG) for Personnel Time Management in the section entitledManaging Time Quotas Using Absence/Attendence Quotas
      • The Heavy labor job field in the detail view for the
      • table Positions - Jobs (T528B) has been maintained.
        • The following constants are in the view Payroll Constants
        • (V_T511K) under the country grouping 03:
          NSBEG Clock-in time for start of nightshift
          NSEND Clock-out time for end of nightshift
          NSJA1 Worked nigthshift years 1
          If less than "NSJA1" nightshift years of heavy labor have been worked,the employee is entitled to the additional leave "NSJA1". If at least"NSJA1" years have been worked, the entitlement is increased to"NSJA2".
          NSJA2 Worked nightshift years 2
          If "NSJA2" night shift years of heavy labor have been worked, then theemployer owes the employee an additional leave of "NSUA3".
          NSJAR Number of nightshifts in a year
          The employee is entitled to additional leave if at least "NSJAR"nightshifts have been worked during the work year.
          NSJR2 Number of nightshifts in two years
          This specifies how often the employee in the current and the precedingleave year combined must have worked nightshifts of heavy labor inorder to receive an additional day of leave (according to par. 10a art.1a of the Leave Entitlement Law [UrlG]).
          NSMIN Minimum number of nightshifts for art.1A
          This specifies how often the employee must have worked nightshifts ofheavy labor during the leave year in order to be entitled to additionalleave in this year (according to par. 10a art. 1a UrlG).
          NSMO1 Number of nightshifts in a month
          So that a nightshift month of heavy labor qualifies as such accordingto the Nightshift Heavy Labor Law [NSchG], at least "NSMO1" nightshiftsmust be worked in the current month.
          NSMO2 Number of night shifts in two months
          So that a nightshift month of heavy labor qualifies as such accordingto the NSchG at least "NSMO1" nightshifts must be worked in thecurrent month or "NSM02" night shifts must have been worked in thepreceding and current month combined.
          NSMO3 Number of night shifts in three months
          So that a nightshift month of heavy labor qualifies as such accordingto the NSchG, at least "NSMO1" nightshifts must have been worked in thecurrent month or "NSMO2" nightshifts in the preceding and current monthcombined or "NSMO3" nightshifts in the last two preceding monthscombined.
          NSMO6 Number of nightshifts in six months
          This specifies the number of nightsshifts of heavy labor that theemployee must have worked in the current and the five preceding monthscombined so that the shifts qualify as such (according to par. XI,art.6 NSchG).
          NSSTD Minimum number of hours for a nightshift
          So that a nightshift qualifies as such as set out by the NSchG, atleast "NSSTD" hours must be worked between 10:00pm and 6:00am.
          NSUA1 Entitlement to additional leave, level 1
          The employee is entitled to this amount if he or she has worked lessthan "NSJA1" nightshift years of heavy labor.
          NSUA2 Entitlement to additional leave, level 2
          The employee is entitled to this amount if he or she has worked atleast "NSJA1", but less than "NSJA2" nightshift years of heavy labor.
          NSUA3 Entitlement to additional leave, level 3
          The employee is entitled to this amount if he or she has worked atleast "NSJA2" nightshift years of heavy labor.
          • If you add additional leave for nightshifts of heavy labor using
          • Leave Entitlement infotype (0005), the feature UABEG(Determine Start of Leave Subtraction) must be maintained.
            If the additional leave is added using time quotas, this feature doesnot have to be maintained.


            • You receive a list of all employees who work nightshifts of heavy labor
            • and for whom one of the conditions is applicable during the currentpayroll period:
              SI registration or deregistration is necessary.
              SI registration or deregistration must be reversed.
              Entitlement to additional leave for nightshifts of heavy labor.
              Entitlement to additional leave for nightshifts of heavy labor must becancelled.
              • You get a list of additional leave that provides information on the the
              • number of additional days of leave that have been aquired/taken.
                • For notification of the start and end of night shifts of heavy labor,
                • you use this report to create data records for the electronic dataexchange (ELDA) with the social insurance agencies. To copy the data tothe data medium, use the report RPUELDA0.
                  • You can print the SI change notifications.

                  • If you select the SI change BI session field in the report
                  • selection screen, a batch input session is created for processingSocial Insurance A infotype (0044).
                    If you process the session afterwards (System -> Services-> Batch Input -> Sessions), the system creates a newrecord of infotype 0044 for the employee. The NB field(indicator for the nightshift heavy labor contribution) is maintainedin the new record. The other, unchanged values are transferred from themost current record. The previous record is delimited.
                    • If you select the Additional leave BI session field from the
                    • report selection screen, a batch-input session is created to processthe Leave Entitlement infotype (0005) or the Time Quotasinfotype (2006).
                      • Addition of additional leave

                      • If you enter the relevant absence quota type in the Additionalleave time quota field in the relevant absence type, a batch inputsession is created for Time Quota infotype (2006).
                        If you enter the relevant date type in the Additional leave typefield, a batch input session is created for Leave Entitlementinfotype (0005). It is not possible to make entries for both of thesefields. You can create additional leave either for Time Quotasinfotype (2006) or for Leave Entitlement infotype (0005).
                        When you process the session created (see above), the data that isstored for workers on nightshifts of heavy labor in LeaveEntitlement infotype (0005) or in Time Quota infotype (2006)is updated. The report compares the leave calculated (on the basis ofworked nightshifts of heavy labor) with the leave is saved in one ofthe two infotypes. If the system finds discrepancies, the data in theinfotype is updated accordingly.
                        • If changes are necessary for past leave years that you manage using
                        • Leave Entitlement infotype (0005) and time quotas, the systemuses Leave Quotas infotype (2006) to register the change. Therecord for Leave Entitlement infotype (0005) is not taken intoaccount and a record for the preceding leave year is created for
                          Time Quotas infotype (2006).
                          • During the productive run of the report all information for granting
                          • additional leave and a special pension is written to the database PCL1(Cluster NS). You can display the NS (nightshift of heavy labor)cluster by running the report RPCLSTNS (Display NSCluster).

                            How the report functions
                            An employee performs heavy labor on the night shift when his or her jobis defined as heavy labor and takes place on the night shift. Thereforethe report checks the personal work schedule and the job description intable T528B (Positions) for the active employees during theevaluation period. The report takes the data into account that isstored in Absences infotype (2001), Attendances infotype(2002) and Substitutes infotype (2003).

                            • A month qualifies as a nightshift month of heavy labor if one of the
                            • following conditions is applicable for the employee:
                              The employee has worked at least a total of 36 working days ofnightshifts of heavy labor in the last five months
                              The employee has worked six days of nightshifts of heavy labor in thecurrent month - even if the nightshifts began in the previous month.
                              • An employee is entitled to addtional leave if one of the following
                              • applies:
                                He or she has worked at least 50 nightshifts (in accordance with par.10a art. 1 UrlG)
                                He or she has worked between 40 and 50 night shifts and combined withthe previous year has worked a total of 100 night shifts (according topar.10a art.1a UrlG)
                                In addition, if the employee has worked a total of 50 nightshifts inthe current and last three years combined, he or she is entitled to anadditional day of leave (according to par. 10a art. 1b UrlG).
                                Additional leave entitlements for night shifts of heavy labor arealways generated for the current year. In order to determine the startdate for the record for Leave Types infotype (0005), thusenabling you to register the entitlement, the report accesses the theentry for the period in Date Types infotype (0041). The featureUABEG controls the start date for subtracting leave.
                                If there is no date type for an employee or you leave the Date typeentry leave year field empty, the additional leave is allocated asof January 1 of the current year.
                                The report can only be used for retroactive accounting only in thecurrent month. When data is changed that affects the qualification of amonth as a month of heavy labor on the night shift, this reportacknowledges by the employee's personal retroactive accounting date. Inthis case, all months affected are reprocessed accordingly.

                                If you have selected the Detailed log field in the reportselection screen, the report issues two tables for each employee. Thefirst table informs you of the nightshifts that qualify for additionalleave and special pensions. The second table informs you of the numberof additional days of leave that the employee has aquired/taken. Italso provides you with an overview of the accounts from the previousyear.
                                In almost all fields of these table, you get more information by usingthe F1 help for the displayed values. The fields for which noinformation is available are briefly explained here.
                                The column SV shows you whether the data for a specific employeehas already been sent to the social insurance for the appropriatemonth. To determine this entry, the report reads the NB field(indicator for the NSchG) in the Social Insurance A infotype Ifthe field contains the value 1, the employee's data has alreadybeen sent to the SI.
                                Die columns anwZUr, anwSRG, and abwSRG show thenumber of nightshifts of heavy labor in the appropriate month that arerelevant for additional leave and special pensions. In order todetermine these entries, the report checks the employee's absences,work schedule, and the indicator in the table Positions- Jobs(T528B).

                                Ideally, you should run the report every month before running payroll.This way, before you run payroll, you can process the batch inputsessions that were created.